Nicole Arnulphy
Eric L. Stark
Rear Commodore - Sailing
Rear Commodore - Operations
Once again the Operations Committee would like to ask that we all
put forward our best effort in understanding and helping with the
changes the Club faces as we move forward with our lease renewal.
We would like to bring to your attention several key areas we are
currently working on. Let’s take the racks on the hard standing
first. Our effort in this area is to apply to government departments
to re-establish the racking system as soon as we receive the new
lease. We are taking great care to see where we can improve the
racking system where possible and hope to have further news in
this area soon.
Ops are also continuing the investigation into increasing moorings
for members in several ways. The first of which is based on a
mooring study and how the Club may be able to optimise the
current moorings in a better configuration. The second area is
looking into possible double mooring options that would allow the
density to increase.
One word of note on the moorings is that it appears there are
boats dropping anchor and staying anchored within the Club’s
mooring area. This has been a problem on the fringes of the
mooring area in the past, and members’ boats have suffered at
times when these boats’ anchors or mooring lines came loose
and the boats drifted into our members’ boats. If any members
are mooring in this manner we would ask you to stop, as it causes
unnecessary risk to members’ boats that are paying to moor on
official moorings.
And last, but certainly not least, the Operations Committee
continues in its search for a new Club boat.
As always, please have an enjoyable and safe time on the water.
Eric Stark
Rear Commodore—Operations
Eric Stark
Rear Commodore—Operations
Whilst sitting in the fog and counting the days until we see the
sun again it’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year where we
have to start preparing for the summer season of racing. Notice
of Race and Sailing Instructions are being prepared now for the
Quest Yachting Typhoon Series 2015 and the UK Sailmakers
Summer Saturday Series. I, for one, love the summer and can’t
wait to get out on the water again.
It has been brought to the attention of the Sailing Committee
that there are some cruisers, or not as experienced sailors, who
would like to give racing a go but feel that nothing is done to
accommodate them. Obviously we have fallen short of the mark
with regards to this matter, not in what we offer or to whom we
offer it, but in how we share information. Once every two months
I get to share with you all here in this magazine, but with the
timing of writing articles, publishing and so on, we sometimes
miss out on information. So if you are one of the sailing members
who would like to be more involved in club events, either on your
own boat or as crew on other boats, please contact the sailing
office, and ask to be added to the mailing list.
As a cruiser you may also be interested in joining the Cruiser
Owners Association. They run fun races to Macau, rallies, and
raft ups throughout the year and details of these can be found via
their website:
Over the past two years I have worked very closely with Rob
Allen in the sailing centre. He has been hardworking, dedicated
and motivated. He has spent time learning and improving his
own skills and abilities and well as helping the staff in the sailing
centre to strive towards their full potential. After nine years at
Hebe Haven, Rob has decided it is time to go back to Europe
and spend more time with his family. Whilst it is disappointing to
see him leave I am really happy for Rob and Sheila as they move
onto this new phase of their lives and I wish them all the best.
Quest Yachting颱風盃帆船賽2015和UK Sailmakers 夏季周末