Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue Mar/Apr | Page 30

CLUB MATTERS Ale Shek Marine Operations The marine department would like to take the opportunity to wish all our members Kung Hei Fat Choi for the Year of the Goat. We sincerely wish everyone a year of good health, wealth and happiness. The Club will be commencing the annual service and maintenance on the Kobelco crane in March, we will also be replacing the guy wire rope (which needs replacing every five years) at the same time. The project will take approximately three weeks. All members who are planning to take their boats out during that period must check their bookings with the Marine Office well in advance. We have also finished dismantling the boat rack—all boats taken down from the racks are now temporarily sitting on trolleys in the hardstand area until the Club rebuilds the new boat racking system. During this period, the boat launching service will run with little or no interruption. Please remember, though, that if you wish to launch or recover your boat to and from the hardstand, please call the Marine Office in advance. A friendly reminder that members will be charged HKD 20.00 per hour extra if they do not present their membership card on arrival, and have to sign a chit. Owners or those responsible for any dinghies or tenders berthed in our blue and white pontoons, need to submit their copies of their updated boat ownership certificate/operating licence and insurance certificates as soon as possible. Either fax these to the Marine Office at 2719 3273 or email to [email protected]. Any dinghies or tenders that do not have updated boat documents or boat labels will not be permitted on these berths. As the busy summer typhoon period is approaching, the HHYC Marine Office reminds all members to check their mooring ropes and if necessary replace the damaged ropes in readiness. 28 Hebe jebes • mar/apr 2015 我想藉此機會,祝願所有會員羊年進步,恭喜發財我希望新的 一年大家都擁有健康,財富和幸福。不僅是我們所有人,我也 為會所送上新年祝福。 綠色吊機將會在3月進行更換吊臂威也(每五年更換一次), 此項工程將維持約三星期,如會員計劃在此段時間安排吊船, 請預先與海事辦公室聯絡。 海事辦公室已完成船架清拆,所有船隻將暫時存放在地架上, 此段時間將會影響上落船隻服務,不便之處,敬請原諒。重新 提醒各會員,如需上落船隻,請致電海事辦公室。 停車場往往都供不應求,為方便會員停泊,在假期時,本會海 事辦公室已開放船廠範圍提供更多停車位置給會員使用,在此 提醒各會員,如車輛不是停泊在停車場指定範圍內,必須將車 匙交給停車場管理員保管。 溫馨提示,如會員駕車出入本會所時未能出示會員咭,會員需 簽回手寫單(car park chits),另停車場收費為每小時$20。 敬請留意。 如會員停泊其小艇或接駁艇於藍白色浮橋內,請盡快將小艇或接 駁艇有效之擁有權証明書, 操作証明書,保險傳真到白沙灣遊艇 會海事辦公室 2719 3273 或電郵到 [email protected],海事 辦公室將會把未提交文件或沒有小艇標籤之船隻上鎖。 夏季即將來臨,亦進入颱風季節,白沙灣海事辦公室提醒各會 員,檢查浮泡繩是否穩固,做好防風準備。