Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue Mar/Apr | Page 10

Reports Reports Alan Reid General Manager I hope you all had a good start to the New Year and I wish you good fortune in the Year of the Sheep. As members will have noticed on their last visit to the Club, the final top two sections of the boat racks have been taken down to comply with the Sai Kung District Lands Office requirements. This has led to even more congestion in the hard standing area and has placed even more pressure on our already limited available parking spaces. We have purchased new trolleys to try to move boats around faster on the hard standing, but we ask members to please give the Marine Office as much advance notice as possible when you wish your boat to be launched. The parking jockeys will try to fit in as many vehicles as possible to the space available but, inevitably, the parking spaces may fill up early on busy days—we are not able to control this any better at present and ask for your understanding and patience over this. The holiday season has meant that many contributors to our club magazine have been very busy. Hebe Jebes is a members’ magazine and we welcome articles from all members on any topic they believe is relevant, especially their experiences on the water. If you have something you feel may be interesting please forward it, along with pictures if possible, to: [email protected] or 8 Hebe jebes • mar/apr 2015 contact Cathy Delany-Hobbs or Mark Newman—our editors—who will be very pleased to help your ideas come to fruition. I would like to remind members not to leave their belongings unattended in the Club and the Garden bar area as we have had several unattended items of clothing go missing. There are lockers provided in the changing rooms for storing your belongings. Keys are available at the bar. 我在此祝願大家在新一年有個好開始,並恭祝大家羊年行好運。 會員們最近到訪本會時可能會留意到,船架頂部的最後兩個部 份已經拆卸,這是為了符合西貢地政總署的要求。可是這令到 硬地範圍更加擠迫。我們已經購買了新的手推車,希望在硬地 移動船隻時可以更加快捷。我希望會員們想移動船隻時能夠盡 量通知海事辦公室,謝謝。 船架的拆卸工作令到原本已有限的會員泊車位置更加緊張。代 客泊車人員會盡量停泊好所有車輛,但無可避免地,會所的停 車場需要比平時更早關閉。對此我們深感抱歉,這不是我們可 以控制的,請各位會員體諒。 不幸地,今期會訊會比較薄,這是因為假期裡少了會員投稿。 由於Hebe Jebes是會員通訊,我們歡迎所有會員投稿詳談海 上經驗。如果你有興趣投稿,請把稿件(連同相片)傳送至 [email protected]。 我希望提醒會員們,不要在會所和花園酒吧把隨身物品放在無 人看管的地方。最近發生了數宗遺失衣物的事故。請使用更衣 室的儲物櫃來放置你的物品。鑰匙可以在酒吧領取。 最後,我要對在我於菲律賓和香港留醫期間,問候和祝福我的 人士說聲多謝。有許多不同版本的傳言說我被蜘蛛、蛇、蚊子 或雞咬傷。事實上,我並不肯定是甚麼咬傷我,因為我完全沒 有感覺。但是,無論是甚麼咬了我一口也好,我也要接受抗生 素注射,這就是我要留醫的原因。正如廣告說的:「在菲律賓更 好玩!」 祝 風平浪靜! Alan Reid General Manager Finally, I would like to say thank you to the members who wished me well in my recent stay in hospital in the Philippines and HK. Contrary to the rumours circulating that a spider, snake, mosquito or chicken bit me—I have to advise that I do not know for certain what it was. Whatever did bite me meant that consequently I had to have a course of intravenous antibiotic injections. Regarding hospitals...as the advertisement says, “It’s more fun in the Philippines!” Wishing you fair winds and calm seas. Alan Reid General Manager 9