Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue Mar/Apr | Page 28

SLAM Sailing Centre SLAM Sailing Centre Hebe Dragons—Laser/Pico update Words Simon Blacker and Andy Duncan High Performance Squad Training In this issue we introduce a new section for the sailors of the Laser and Pico dinghies. Penned by Simon Blacker and Andy Duncan who both have sons in the Hebe Dragons racing team, we are going to try and contribute regularly to the magazine to report and promote the Laser class dinghy events. In December the team competed in the Southside Regatta at Deep Water Bay. Held at the ABC over the weekend of 6 & 7 December, it gave our sailors the opportunity to compete in the Pico class. Rising early on the Saturday to catch the bus from HHYC, the team included Rico (Saturday only), Hannah (Sunday only) and Christie and Ian—unfortunately Zach was injured and not able to compete. Arriving at Deep Water Bay early to rig the boats with team coach Alfie and Ah Sing to provide the vital support, the guys set off for the start line in force 5–6 winds. It was definitely a test of their seamanship with many dinghies capsizing in the strong winds. Nonetheless, Ian managed to win all three of his class races on the Saturday including coming 6th overall in the B Division class in the first race of the day. Sunday arrived and the wind departed, strength was at force 3 or less, which meant there were only two races. Hannah won the first race of the day and came second in the second race before the wind completely vanished. New Laser sailors are welcomed and encouraged! Criteria: holding Level 1 & 2 certificates and aged 13 or over. Please email Alfie: [email protected] or Rob: [email protected] Apologies for the lack of content this issue—we will hopefully bring you more reports and features as we mould ourselves into this new role and unlock our creative writing skills and as yet undiscovered photographical talent… A couple of items for your attention: Laser race training will move from Saturdays to Sundays after Easter—the first day being Sunday 12 April 2015—this will give Alfie more time to concentrate on the development of the squad. 提升表現訓練 今期我們會介紹Laser和Pico小船選手的新訓練課程。 Upcoming Events 本文由同樣有兒子在Hebe Dragons隊伍裡的Simon Blacker 和Andy Duncan執筆,我們希望這些文章會成為會訊的專 欄,為大家介紹和宣傳Laser級別小船的活動。 30 March–10 April 在12月,隊伍參加了在深灣舉行的南區帆船賽。賽事在12月6 日和7日在香港仔遊艇會舉行,讓我們的選手有機會出戰Pico 級別賽事。 30 & 31 May 抱歉今期內容較少—我們在適應這個新角色、啟發我們的寫作 技巧和攝影技巧後,希望帶給大家更多報告和專題… 請留意幾個事項: Laser賽事訓練在復活節後會由星期六調到星期日(第一天訓 練日是2015年4月12日星期日)這可以讓Alfie 有更多時間集中 在小組訓練。 我們的隊員星期六大清早就要起床,在白沙灣遊艇會趕上巴 士。隊員包括Rico(只在星期六參賽)、Hannah(只在星期 日參賽)、Christie和Ian。很遺憾Zach受了傷,未能參賽。 Easter camp all sailors of all ages welcome. HHYC Regatta this is our home regatta, let’s make sure we keep the silverware at HHYC! It was a good day for the Dragons with Ian coming first overall and Hannah coming third, even though she only competed in two races. Rico and Christy each had a third place in race one and race two, respectively. 他們早早抵達深灣後,在教練Alfie和Ah Sing協助下為船隻裝 置索具,然後在5–6級的風速下出發往起點。許多小船在強風 下翻側,這對他們的航海技術實在是個考驗。然而,Ian仍然 能夠在星期六他所屬的組別中勝出,包括在第一天賽事的B組 總成績得到第6名。 到了星期日,風勢稍為緩和,風速只有3級或以下,那表示當 天只有兩場賽事。Hannah勝出了第一場賽事,並在風勢完全 靜止下來前,在第二場賽事取得第2名。 那天是Dragons的好日子。Ian總成績奪冠,而雖然Hannah 只完成了兩場賽事,她仍然奪得第3名。Rico和Christy分別在 第一及第二場賽事取得第3名。 Hannah and Christie—our team’s girls. Hannah 和Christie—我們