Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue Mar/Apr | Page 22

SLAM Sailing Centre China Regatta report Words Pasu Chu It was my first race outside Hong Kong. The environment in Shantou was far from perfect, the beach and water were not exactly pristine, and the bay area was quite windy. Many of the local young sailors there are former athletes and were very friendly and helpful. They receive training almost every day except for two days a month, and only go home to visit their families for three days during public holidays. Comparatively, we are very fortunate, and only need to have a quick word with our coach if we need to skip training due to sickness. Also, we don’t need to attend training so frequently. The event also made me realise how much we take simple things for granted in Hong Kong such as hot running water, mobile phones and delicious things to eat. I felt humbled by the relatively simple life many of the local sailors live, and how their hard work at the sailing centre has paid off in terms of their remarkable sailing skills. 20 Hebe jebes • mar/apr 2015 這次是我第一次參與香港以外的賽事。汕頭的環境並不是十分 完善,海灘和水質也不是很好,但是那裏的海灣卻相當大風。 許多當地的年輕水手都是運動員,那裡的人很友善,喜歡幫助 別人。他們每個月都只有兩天不用訓練,如果有公眾假期, 都 只有三天假期回家探親。相比之下我們真的非常幸福,即使我 們生病或有要事,只要跟教練說一聲就可以了,而且我們的訓 練日數也不多。 這次活動也讓我意識到,自小在香港長大的我們把生活上很多 簡單事情變得理所當然,就好像我們只要開著水喉就有熱水、 每人都有自己的手機和每天都可以享用不同的美食。但正因為 他們長期在基地接受訓練,他們的擁有很好的航海技術。