Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue JUL/AUG | Page 36

FEATURES FEATURES Summer Sailing 東九龍第64隊小女童軍的成員們都非常感謝白沙灣遊艇會的航海組人員。 我們不但能參觀遊艇會,而且還能參與繩結示範活動。我們都度過了歡樂的 時光,而且學懂了幾種結繩方法,如反手結,平結,接繩結和雙套結。 Words Summer Ng 我們有些小女童軍以往曾在白沙灣遊艇會參加航海活動,所以難不到有繩 結經驗的她們。相反,有些小女童軍覺得難以掌握這新技巧。我們受到熱 情的款待和悉心的教導,實在獲益良多。小女童軍們被指示要綁起她們的 導師時更萬分雀躍及哄堂大笑。 小女童軍們可以挑戰考取繩結章,而白沙灣遊艇會當天的活動無疑對她們 有很大的幫助。 我們度過了一個歡樂又有意義的下午,感謝! Brown Owl (Audrey) Tawny Owl (Sam) Snowy Owl (Rohini) Elf Owl (Birgitta) Sea Owl (Jayne) Blue Owl (Jenny) 東九龍第64 小女童軍隊 The Brownies of 64th E Kowloon Brownie Pack are grateful to the Sailing Team at Hebe Haven Yacht Club for letting us visit and take part in a knotting demonstration. The girls really enjoyed the session and learnt a number of knots including the Overhand Knot, Reef Knot, Sheet Bend, and Clove Hitch. Some of the girls have sailed at HHYC before and are familiar with the knots and for some it was a new and slightly tricky skill to learn. The HHYC team were extremely welcoming and patient with the girls as they showed them a wide variety of knots used in sailing, with the most fun being had when the girls were given the task of