Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue JUL/AUG | Page 26

CLUB MATTERS Ale Shek Marine Operations Summer is here already and the temperature may reach 32˚C on a sunny day. In order to prevent heat stroke, I would like to remind everyone to ensure they drink adequate water when undertaking outdoor activities and to not stay in the sun for too long without protection. Two of our marine staff have recently left us. We are in the process of recruiting new staff so as a result, launching services may be affected at weekends. Members who require launching services to and from the hardstand are asked to notify the Marine office by telephone at least one hour in advance. The Marine Office operating hours are 09:00 to 18:00 daily. Where no advance telephone booking has been made, we will do our best to assist you however, boats will be deployed on a first come first served basis. If Members wish their boats to be left on a cradle or trolley e.g. for washing or working on it, they must notify the Marine Staff before it is returned to the boat rack. If Members fail to do so, they may be charged twice for the removal and replacement of their boat at the prevailing fees. The shortage of parking spaces on holidays is a concern for the club operations. Thus to help members, we are trying to provide additional space in the boatyard where suitable . Please note that as a result if you agree for your vehicle to be left in a non-designated car parking area you MUST leave the ignition keys with the car jockey or security guard in case the vehicle has to be moved. During the typhoon season, members on both swing moorings and pontoon berths, should regularly check and ensure all 24 HEBE JEBES • JUL/AUG 2015 lines are strong enough for typhoon conditions and vessels are securely tied to moorings and cleats. Please replace worn lines immediately when you notice them. 夏季已經來臨,在氣溫可高達攝氏32度的情況下,在此提醒各 位會員在戶外活動或工作時,必須要補充足夠水份及切勿長時 間逗留在陽光下,以免中暑。 每年六月至十月份都是颱風活躍季節,本會海事辦公室提醒各 會員,無論船隻停泊在浮泡或浮橋,必須檢查繫繩是否穩固, 如發現任何損壞必須馬上更換。 As the boatyard schedule is extremely busy due to the reduced boat working area, please book as far in advance as you can if you require a lift out or in of the water. 因應海事部有2位同事離職,我們現正招聘新員工,但這也影 響到日常的運作,令繁忙時間船隻上落受影響,如會員需要 使用船隻,請在1小時前致電海事辦公室安排有關落水服務。 海事辦公室開放時間為每日早上九時至下午六時,如沒有經 電話提前安排落水服務,海事辦公室將安排在完成所有預約 之船隻後,以先到先得之形式安排落水服務。 由於地方縮小了,船廠更為繁忙,如會員計劃進吊船服務, 請盡早安排。 A friendly reminder to all tender owners who have a dinghy on a tender pontoon; please empty the water out after heavy rain before the tender sinks. We have arranged a dedicated sampan between HHYC and Shelter Cove Pier on each yacht race day before and after racing. Signs will be put up on the sampan / ferry to advise which ones are going to S.C. Do make sure you are boarding the correct vessel to reach your destination. The Marine office is replacing the damaged Pontoon Wooden Fenders during weekdays between June and August 2015. If you have any questions etc. regarding this work, please feel free to contact the Marine office 2719 3673 or email: [email protected]. Members who would like to invite guests to park on HHYC premises pursuant to this by-law he shall advise the general office (or the Restaurant Manager if after office hours), the registration number of the guest’s vehicle at least one hour prior to the time of the guest’s arrival as the gatekeeper has to be given this information in advance. Happy safe summer boating! 如會員需要將船隻停留在船架清洗,請提前通知海事部員工, 如會員沒有提前通知,本會可能會向會員收取兩倍費用,敬請 留意。 在假日或公眾假期前夕,停車場往往都供不應求。為方便會 員停泊,本會海事辦公室已開放船廠範圍提供更多停車位置 給會員使用,在此提醒各會員,如車輛不是停泊在停車場指 定範圍內,必須將車匙交給停車場管理員保管。 在此提醒使用小艇浮橋之會員, 在大雨後請將小艇內之積水清 理﹐以免小艇沉沒。 我們在比賽當天,賽前及賽後都會安排舢舨或小艇來往本會及 西貢遊艇會(Sheher Cove)碼頭。到時亦會放置指示牌提示 各位,上船前請看清楚指示牌,以免去錯目的地。 海事辦公室安排由6月至8月維修浮橋防撞木,如有任何問題,請 與海事辦公室聯絡 2719 3673 或電郵 [email protected]。 如會員要求訪客泊車, 根據會例,會員必須在訪客到達前一小 時,在辦公時間向總辦事處或在非辦辦公時間向餐飲部提出申 請,會員需要提供訪客車牌號碼以便識認.。