Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue JAN/FEB | Page 30

CLUB MATTERS Ale Shek Marine Operations We have just said goodbye to the festival season and hello to 2015. I am sure that everyone enjoyed the Club’s events throughout December and this would seem to be justified by the impressive turnouts. May I take this opportunity to wish you a very happy new year. We started to dismantle the boat racks at the end of 2014, all boats on the rack will be put down on the ground temporarily and the launching service will definitely be affected. Members are advised to call the Marine Office in advance for launching services. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused. As the new year kicks off, please be reminded to submit your replacement new year operating certificate and renewed insurance documents. Kindly send a copy to our Marine Office at [email protected] or fax to 2719 3273. Please send us all the documents as soon as possible to avoid the penalty charge. For the Lunar New Year special arrangements, please see the details on the Club’s notice board, coming soon. From all the Marine Staff, wishing you all a Happy New Year & Kung Hei Fat Choi! 28 Hebe jebes • JAN/FEB 2015 我們剛剛渡過了普天同慶的節日,亦同時迎接了2015年,相 信會員們均在12月舉辦的聖誕及新年慶祝活動上盡興而回, 藉此機會,祝各位新年快樂。 我們在去年底已開始清拆岸上船架,所有受影響的船隻將暫 時存放在地面位置,在這階段,船隻上落水服務將受影響, 如會員需要使用船隻,請提前致電通知海事辦公室,對於有 關不便,我們深表歉意! 新一年開始,在此提醒各會員更換新一年度之操作証明及保 險,並電郵至[email protected]或傳真到2719 3273 到 海事辦公室。為免被罰款,請盡快提交有效文件。 農曆新年即將來臨,會所之開放及服務時間將有特別安排,詳情 請留意本會會所內之通告。 在此,海事部仝人謹祝各位新一年身體健康、龍馬精神、恭 喜發財!