Mark Ashton
Wishing all of you a very Happy New Year and a great year
ahead out on the water.
At the new members cocktail function in December, it was a
great pleasure to present awards to five members for 25 years
and to one, Ron Jackson-Smith, for 50 years of membership.
This was an opportune moment to look at the history of the
continual development of the Club’s facilities and the role that
members play in our various committees. The Club does rely
on members with various professional skills to step forward
and offer a hand or some guidance in a number of areas. If you
think that this could be you, please talk to any of the General
Committee members or our General Manager, Alan Reid.
On a final note, we hope to kick off a campaign to encourage
more considerate motoring speeds in the moorings and when
close to other vessels this year. We have commissioned the
well known Hong Kong cartoonist and artist Gavin Coates to
come up with some memorable and eye catching images to
help spread this message. We ask all of our members to be
ambassadors for responsible motoring and boat handling in
general. It is getting more crowded out there, with many people
in small crafts.
Let’s make this year’s resolution to take care and be safe on
the water.
特色午餐、帆船同樂日(Fun Sailing Day)或是除夕舞會
(New Year’s Eve Ball)。我最愛的活動是在廈門灣泳灘舉行
Fair winds and happy sailing.
I do hope that you have enjoyed at least some of the Club’s
offerings over the festive season, whether our special lunches,
fun sailing days or the New Year’s Eve Ball. A long favourite of
mine is the simple New Year’s Day beach BBQ with children’s
games at Hap Mun Bay Beach. This is an informal ‘bring your
friends’ day. It always seems to be an ‘improbable’ at about
2.00am the evening before, but at the end of what is usually a
sunny afternoon, and fortified by good food and (more) beer, I
am always glad that we made the survivors party.
Speaking of survivors, we will be starting site works for the new
electricity substation early this year and, at the time of writing,
we are awaiting the Town Planning Board Section 16 as part
of the process towards replacing our boat rack system. We
are obliged to replace the current version with a similar system
compliant with current codes, but must first clear the statutory
approval hurdles.
員獎項予五位會員,及已成為會員長達50年的Ron JacksonSmith。這是一個很好的機會讓我們回顧會所設施多年來的發
任何一位海事執行委員會委員或總經理Alan Reid。
請了本港著名漫畫家和藝術家Gavin Coates協助,繪製令人