Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue JAN/FEB | Page 14

SLAM Sailing Centre SLAM Sailing Centre Hebe Race Week Dragons Squad News Words CHAN Pei Yip Words Grégoire Bourrut Lacouture Hey, my name is Pei Yip. As you probably already know, on 21–25 October there was this event hosted by Hebe Haven Yacht Club known as the Hebe Race Week. Basically, Hebe Race Week is an event where we hold races against other members of the Club and the racing team, as if we are in a proper regatta. The experience is pretty exciting, since we get to see who is better in the team, in a racing environment. Every other day, after sailing, we have a kind of activity nights. On Monday, we went to Trio Beach and we had barbecued hamburgers and hotdogs. They were so good—or everyone was so famished—that we managed to eat them all. On Wednesday, we had a bingo game and a sponsored fish and chip supper from the Chip In and on Friday we had an early Halloween party for which we dressed up and danced. Dear Dragons, What an active sailing autumn we have had, both on and off the water. October was eventful, with the Hebe Race Week coached by the famous Rafael Di Donna who returned to Hong Kong for the second time (see report from Pei, opposite). Not more than a week later, we had the 24HR Charity Dinghy Race where our Dragons sailed Picos (single handed) and RS Feva (double handed). Full coverage of the 24HR can be found in this magazine (page 46) but, as a team leader, I have to congratulate the racing team for finishing 1st in both divisions! November was a month-long logistical-planning exercise for Alfred as the boats had to be sent by truck to Tai Mei Tuk— in view of the Nationals for real-size training—then straight to Middle Island for a joint training