footwear designer Nienke van Dee on the pain and pleasure
involved in inspired design.
utch footwear and accessory designer Nienke Van Dee
knows all to well the challenges of taking a design
Eindhoven and graduated in Product Design from Arnhem at ArtEZ
from concept to creation. “The biggest challenge
Academy of the Arts. She also studied at the Dutch Healthtec
within the design process for me, is that you have
Academy with Shoe Craft and Design in Utrecht. A passion for
Van Dee studied for three years at the Design Academy in
your ideas and have to make it reality,” says Van Dee. “Concepts in
product design combined with her boundless creativity is her ticket
your head can become so crazy and absurd that there is no way to
to success.
realize them. You have to constantly think about how am I going
to translate this into a wearable shoe. So for me, it is definitely
and creativity,” says Van Dee. “You can have the most amazing
the translation from concept to creation—every design again—that
ideas and techniques in your head and translate that into a
makes it challenging and fun.”
Van Dee’s work is characterized by minimalist
“I love that it is such a great product to mirror your ideas
For 2016, shoe lovers can expect more from this talented
constructions, female influences, unusual use of materials and a
designer with the release of her new collection entitled, Skinned.
strong eye for detail. The designs find their origin in her fascination
For those who may not be able to wait, the designer also creates
for excess in images and material. “The idea of shape as a tool for
custom-made designs. Check out her website for more information.
transformation is what drives me,” says Van Dee. “New possibilities — NICOLE ROSS
in material inspire me.”