Heat Exchanger World September 2022 | Page 3

Volume 4 , Issue 6 , September 2022 Heat exchanger WORLD

Heat Exchanger World is the global magazine connecting those working in the heat exchanger supply chain www . heat-exchanger-world . com
ISSN : 2666-1241 ( Print ) - ISSN : 2666-125X ( Online )
Director KCI Publishing B . V . Elisa Hannan e . hannan @ kci-world . com Tel : + 31 575 585 291
Editor in Chief Ellie Pritchard e . pritchard @ kci-world . com Tel .: + 31 575 585 270
Editorial Team Sarah Bradley ( Canada ) s . bradley @ kci-world . com
Angelica Pajkovic ( Canada ) a . pajkovic @ kci-world . com
Joanne McIntyre ( the Netherlands ) j . mcintyre @ kci-world . com
David Sear ( the Netherlands ) d . sear @ kci-world . com
Catrin Senger ( Germany ) c . senger @ kci-world . com
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Heat Exchanger World will be published eight times in 2022 in January / February ; March ; April ; May / June ; July / August ; September ; October ; November / December .
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Contributing to a better way

As we over here in Europe struggle with outlandishly high temperatures , reading stories of extreme forest fires in Spain , Portugal , and France , it is difficult to think ahead to winter and challenges of another kind . Soaring prices and extreme supply chain lead times are affecting individual consumers and companies alike . Rising energy costs and record-high demand add significant pressure to the process industries , in which producers are already working hard to meet emission reduction targets and manage the transition to renewables .
In this issue , we learn from several companies about how they intend to contribute in various ways to a smoother transition .
Sterling Thermal Technology tells of the ways in which heat exchanger manufacturers such as themselves can adopt more sustainable processes , acknowledging that the manufacturing and construction sector is now the world ’ s third highest GHG contributor .
Additive manufacturing also offers opportunities for optimised equipment for the energy sector , by increasing the efficiency of heat transfer or by intensifying this process so it can occur within a smaller or lighter heat exchanger . Australia ’ s Conflux Technology explains how AM technology can contribute to the energy production sector , as well as provide solutions for the issue of energy storage . Tackling the issue of scalability in particular , the company ’ s Chief Product Officer Dan Woodford conveys how modular arrays are an attractive way to increase production and reduce the need for maintenance and downtime .
One of the most complicated aspects of transitioning to renewable energy is trying to store the surplus in times of low demand . For this issue I was able to speak with Finnish engineers Polar Night Energy about the technology , benefits , and seemingly limitless potential of their unique energy storage system made of sand .
Our cover this month features Elliott Tool Technologies ; our Toronto team spoke with the company about its multifaceted approach to solving industry pain points , its extensive commitment to ensuring its customer ’ s satisfaction , and how its team culture allows it to continually exceed expectations . By creating products and services that are reliable , efficient , and solutions oriented , Elliott has become the go-to source for the heat transfer market .
Looking for a place to share your thoughts on some of the key issues in heat exchange , or perhaps wanting to broaden your technical knowledge ? Be sure to check out the timetable for Heat Exchanger World Conference and Expo Europe of pages 41-44 . And don ’ t forget to book your ticket for the networking dinner and party onboard the SS Rotterdam – I can ’ t wait to meet you all there !
Kind regards , Ellie Pritchard Editor e . pritchard @ kci-world . com Tel .: + 31 575 585 270
LinkedIn : https :// www . linkedin . com / showcase / heatexchangerworld /
Youtube : https :// www . youtube . com / kcipub
Good Company
The publishers and the authors state that this magazine has been compiled meticulously and to the best of their knowledge . However , the publishers and the authors can in no way guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information . The publisher and the authors therefore do not accept any liability for any damage resulting from actions or decisions based on the information in question . Users of this magazine are strongly advised to not to use this information solely but to rely on their professional knowledge and experience and to check the information to be used . KCI Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of information provided by participating companies and authorities . The publisher reserves the right to combine , delete , and change sections . The publisher reserves the right to edit and re-use ( parts of the articles and to distribute the information by any means . All rights reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced , store in a retrieval system , or transmitted , in any form or by any means , electronic or mechanical , photocopying or otherwise , without the prior permission of the publisher . Heat Exchanger World is a trademark of Technical Business Publications II B . V ., Thijs Elshof , PO Box 67 , 6680 AB Lingewaard , The Netherlands . © 2022 . All rights reserved .
Heat Exchanger World September 2022 3