Sustainable Manufacturing
Sustainable manufacturing examples Honda is an example of a manufacturer that has adopted a sustainable approach . They have integrated two wind turbines into their Ohio plant to generate 10,000 megawatthours of electricity per year , which powers 10 % of the plant ’ s energy requirements ( source ). It ’ s a huge step in making their manufacturing process more sustainable At Sterling TT , we aim to conserve natural resources and prevent damage and pollution to land , water and the atmosphere . Our staff work to help preserve these resources and avoid environmental damage in any form . Our management and supervisors are responsible for assessing the environmental impact , including environmental protection features within our design , manufacturing , and construction activities . For instance , we segregate , sort or dispose of waste materials only by authorised , recognised and licenced means . While manufacturing , we keep the noise , dust and fumes to a minimum . In addition , we constantly work at reducing our workplace risks and creating safer working conditions .
Resources for manufacturers
For more information on how to make your manufacturing process more sustainable , see the below resources :
•• British Chambers of Commerce : Net Zero Hub
•• Energy Saving Trust
•• UK Business Climate Hub
•• Make UK
•• International Organization for Standardisation
Furthermore , we work with sustainable partners and back renewable energy industries . Find out more about our heat exchangers for renewable energy . These are a short list of the actions we take to help build a more sustainable future . Finally , as we want to be recognised for our good work and continuously improve , we have started our journey to get ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certifications .
About the Company
With decades of experience providing heat exchangers for the defence industry , Sterling TT has the expertise required to work on submarines as well as surface ships . A submarine is an advanced and complex piece of military equipment . Being involved in making one is a unique challenge , one that requires decades of experience and engineering expertise . But it is a challenge that the company is proud to be a part of .
Greenhouse gas emissions by sector , World
Emissions are measured in carbon dioxide equivalents ( C02eq ). This means non-CO2 gases are weighted by the amount of warming they cause over a 100-year timescale .
Electricity and heat
Our World in Data
14 billion
12 billion
10 billion
8 billion
6 billion
Manufacturing & Construction Agriculture
4 billion
2 billion
0 t 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2018
Industry Buildings Fugitive emissions Waste
Other fuel combustion Land-use change and forestry Aviation and shipping
Source : GAIT Climate Data Explorer via Climate Watch OurWorldlnData . org / co2-and-other-greenhouse-gas-emissions • CC BY Note : Greenhouse gases are weighted by their global warming potential value ( GWP100 ). GWP100 measures the relative warming impact of one molecule of a greenhouse gas , relative to carbon dioxide , over 100 years .
Source : Our World in Data : https :// ourworldindata . org / emissions-by-sector - interactive graph available
24 Heat Exchanger World September 2022 www . heat-exchanger-world . com