Why aim for manufacturing sustainability ?
Manufacturing has a significant impact on the environment . From recycling waste to reducing energy consumption , it ’ s our social and commercial responsibility to aim for manufacturing sustainability , which comes with a range of benefits . Sterling TT is a heat exchanger manufacturer . We wanted to examine why we should aim for sustainability and how we , and other manufacturers , can make our processes greener .
All text and images courtesy of Sterling Thermal Technology
Manufacturing sustainability is using processes that minimise the negative impact of manufacturing on the environment . It also should be economically sound . Sustainable manufacturing should help manufacturers maximise revenue while conserving the natural environment . We can take CNC machining as an example . CNC machines improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption ; it takes less energy to produce the same product quantity than conventional machines . The other environmental benefits of CNC machinery include :
• Electronic communication , which reduces paper waste and travel
• Automating more processes . We can reduce materials that are wasted through human-error
• Making use of new technology that ’ s less wasteful , like 3D printing
Environmental impact of manufacturing The impact of industrial processes and manufacturing on the environment is profound . According to Our World in Data , direct industrial processes account for 5.2 % of global carbon emissions . While energy use from industrial processes accounts for 24.2 %. In total , industrial processes , including manufacturing , account for almost a third of all global emissions . The graph at the end of this article shows that greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing and construction sector have increased considerably in the last 15 years . It ’ s the third highest contributor . ‘ Manufacturing and construction ’ is one of the sectors that has increased carbon emissions the most over the last couple of decades . They have increased by about 2 billion tonnes since 2000 , roughly 50 %. It ’ s worth noting that over the last few years , manufacturing has begun to stabilise and even slightly decrease its emissions . As the world becomes more aware of the impact of emissions on the environment , we make changes , and these start having an effect . However , the positive impact of sustainable manufacturing goes beyond just helping the environment .
The benefits of manufacturing sustainably Increasingly , companies are using manufacturing sustainability as a key objective for increasing growth , brand leadership , and global competitiveness . Beyond helping the environment , the benefits of sustainable manufacturing include :
• Improved efficiency , often reducing costs
• Reduction in waste , so fewer costs associated with waste management
• Improved brand recognition , increasing sales
• Improved employee retention and ease of hiring
• Reduced regulatory compliance costs
• Improved long-term business viability
Customers are looking to work with sustainable brands in order to meet their own sustainability goals . By making our manufacturing sustainable , we can drive business .
22 Heat Exchanger World September 2022 www . heat-exchanger-world . com