Heat Exchanger World is the global magazine connecting those working in the heat exchanger supply chain www . heat-exchanger-world . com
ISSN : 2666-1241 ( Print ) - ISSN : 2666-125X ( Online )
Director KCI Publishing B . V . Elisa Hannan e . hannan @ kci-world . com Tel : + 31 575 585 291
Editor in Chief Ellie Pritchard e . pritchard @ kci-world . com Tel .: + 31 575 585 270
Editorial Team Sarah Bradley ( Canada ) s . bradley @ kci-world . com
Angelica Pajkovic ( Canada ) a . pajkovic @ kci-world . com
Joanne McIntyre ( the Netherlands ) j . mcintyre @ kci-world . com
David Sear ( the Netherlands ) d . sear @ kci-world . com
Catrin Senger ( Germany ) c . senger @ kci-world . com
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Heat Exchanger World will be published eight times in 2022 in January / February ; March ; April ; May / June ; July / August ; September ; October ; November / December .
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Working hard for future rewards
As I write on a train coursing its way through a grey and drizzly morning in the Netherlands , it seems that summer has come to a very sudden end in Western Europe . And what an incredibly busy summer it has been . Event season has started with a whirlwind of shows and conferences , making up for 2-3 years of lost time during the height of the pandemic . Many of us have just about been able to squeeze some weeks of holiday rest and relaxation into these hectic months , some not . I hope you were able to find some moments of rejuvenation before we head into these final , and potentially even busier , months of the year .
Our team has enjoyed walking the many expo floors and learning about future prospects in the heat exchanger industry , but the real conversation begins on 1 st November with the start of our 2-day Heat Exchanger World Conference & Expo Europe in Rotterdam . Our office is a hive of activity , preparing for our premier European event , to be held in conjunction with Duplex World Seminar & Summit . I invite you to check pages 31-34 of this October issue for a look at our technical conference programme , covering key issues and topics in the heat transfer and related industries .
Throughout this issue , you can find much discussion of a progressive and future-minded industry . Innovations in green steel production , ongoing work in alternative energy systems , technological advances to maximise equipment efficiency … all have their connections to heat exchange equipment in some form . Our sector holds one of the keys to an improved and more sustainable energy future . I refer you to interviews with Alfa Laval ’ s Energy Division on page 25 , Dr . Assarian of Eninco Coatings on page 53 , and an overview of the EU-funded GeoSmart project on page 38 .
Our cover story this month also looks to a progressive and audacious company , thriving on the challenge of doing what others cannot . Family company Rolf Kind GmbH , based near Cologne , Germany , is proud to produce “ the cherries on top of the cake ” by forging exclusively unique products for some of the most complicated projects . I spoke with CEO Markus Kind about company ’ s impressive global reach , its affinity for challenging projects , and its custom heat exchanger solutions .
Some exciting news ! As of September 2022 , Heat Exchanger World Magazine is now available for free in its interactive digital format , allowing you direct access to industry videos , websites , and advertisers . Our magazine will of course continue to be published and distributed in print , which you can also subscribe to for a small fee . All subscription information is available here : https :// heat-exchanger-world . com / subscriptions /
A break in those grey clouds now reveals a bright sunny sky . Let ’ s all look forward to reaping the rewards of our recent hectic schedules – one such reward being meeting in Rotterdam on 1 & 2 November to Exchange What Matters !
Kind regards , Ellie Pritchard Editor e . pritchard @ kci-world . com Tel .: + 31 575 585 270
LinkedIn : https :// www . linkedin . com / showcase / heatexchangerworld /
Youtube : https :// www . youtube . com / kcipub
Good Company
The publishers and the authors state that this magazine has been compiled meticulously and to the best of their knowledge . However , the publishers and the authors can in no way guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information . The publisher and the authors therefore do not accept any liability for any damage resulting from actions or decisions based on the information in question . Users of this magazine are strongly advised to not to use this information solely but to rely on their professional knowledge and experience and to check the information to be used . KCI Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of information provided by participating companies and authorities . The publisher reserves the right to combine , delete , and change sections . The publisher reserves the right to edit and re-use ( parts of the articles and to distribute the information by any means . All rights reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced , store in a retrieval system , or transmitted , in any form or by any means , electronic or mechanical , photocopying or otherwise , without the prior permission of the publisher . Heat Exchanger World is a trademark of Technical Business Publications II B . V ., Thijs Elshof , PO Box 67 , 6680 AB Lingewaard , The Netherlands . © 2022 . All rights reserved .
Spain ’ s Sierra Nevada region - Holding onto moments of holiday rest as we head into the busy final months of the year .
Heat Exchanger World October 2022 3