Industry News
Indonesia ’ s push to reach net zero emissions
Indonesia has a viable path to reaching its target of net zero emissions by 2060 , bringing major benefits to its citizens in the process such as more secure and affordable energy supplies , according to a new IEA report . But key policy reforms and international support will be crucial to the success of the clean energy transition in the world ’ s fourth most populous country as it enters a new phase of its economic development . The IEA ’ s Energy Sector Roadmap to Net Zero Emissions in Indonesia – a collaborative project undertaken with the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources ( MEMR ) at the request of the Government of Indonesia – was launched at the G20 Energy Transitions Ministerial Meeting in Bali under Indonesia ’ s first G20 Presidency . IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol and Indonesia ’ s Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif also signed a Joint High-Level Statement that sets out a shared vision of Indonesia ’ s path to net zero , drawing on the Roadmap ’ s findings . Indonesia ’ s economic development over the past half-century has been a remarkable success story , lifting millions of people out of poverty and bringing electricity to almost all citizens across the country ’ s 17 000 islands . Access to affordable supplies of energy from the country ’ s abundant resources as well as revenues from fossil fuel exports has been important drivers of this success .
Malta Inc . announces key milestone for pumped-heat energy storage system deployment
Malta Inc ., a leading long-duration energy storage solution provider , announced at the end of August that Southwest Research Institute ( SwRI ) has completed assembly and commissioning of the first-of-a-kind pumped heat ( or thermal ) energy storage ( PHES ) demonstration facility based on the utility-scale thermal energy storage system created by Malta as part of a project supported by a $ 2.6 million ARPA-E award from the U . S . Department of Energy . Long-duration , large-scale storage capabilities , like PHES , can help balance energy volatility and reliability issues caused by high market penetration of variable renewable energy resources such as solar and wind energy and create solutions to fulfill worldwide carbon reduction goals . PHES is a breakthrough for longduration energy storage ( LDES ), repurposing conventional , commercially proven power plant equipment and processes to provide cost-effective , large-scale energy storage . While the SwRI pilot is laboratoryscale , a full-size Malta PHES system will be able to store more than 100 megawatts ( MW ) of power for eight hours to eight days or longer ( 800 to 19,200 + MWh ). The pilot will next be tested to demonstrate operation , verify system control strategies , and validate data . By efficiently storing electricity for long durations , Malta ’ s system can enable increased penetration of renewable energy from intermittent sources , maintain grid reliability , and accelerate the decarbonization of the energy sector . The Malta PHES energy storage system is built upon wellestablished principles in thermodynamics and uses conventional components that have been present in power plants for hundreds of years . Electricity from the grid is used to heat molten salt and cool a chilled liquid . In these forms , energy can be efficiently stored for long durations . When the energy is needed , the system operates as a heat engine to discharge the stored energy , using the stored heat and cold together to generate electricity on demand . This form of storage offers a low-cost solution to supplement or replace the use of fossil fuel “ peaker ” plants in matching intermittent energy supplies with customer demand .
Heat Exchanger World October 2022 15