Heat Exchanger World Magazine September 2023 | Page 46

International & Industry Standards
Quality Requirements ( QRS )
Figure 1 : Base structure of JIP33 specifications
Equipment Data Sheet Template
Supplementary Technical Requirements
Information Requirements ( IRS )
International & Industry Standards
Within the 12 JIP33 sponsoring companies , there has been strong leadership from the top , setting a consistent set of expectations of ‘ using JIP33 specification without change ’ throughout an organisation . Successful JIP33 implementation is beyond engineering , and requires involvement from the company ’ s supply chain organisation and adaptation from information and quality functions . Managing these expectations has been best shown by introducing Key Performance Indicators ( KPI ) through the organisational structure that align with the company ’ s overall strategy and objectives . This helps drive the engagement and cultural change needed . As the JIP33 program has developed , the KPIs used by the sponsoring companies have also developed , and they are now looking at pushing the KPIs further into the supply chain .
Supply chain & stakeholders The oil & gas supply chain for capital projects is complex , as it tends not to have a direct purchasesupplier structure . Instead , requirements go from an owner / operator to an EPC , then a packager and finally to manufacturers ( and sometimes their sub-suppliers ). This means that recognising and maintaining the integrity of a JIP33 specification through the supply chain is not simple , especially when requirements are imported into a company ’ s business system . This can make gathering KPIs on how JIP33 implementation is evolving both internally and externally complex . Setting up expectations and systems to collect the necessary data for KPIs should be done at the beginning of a company ’ s implementation journey . This should extend to company expectations on gathering relevant data from their supply chain . Initial KPIs for JIP33 sponsoring operating companies ’ focus were leading in nature and focused on the level of implementation of specifications within the owner / operators , from the adoption of the specification through to purchasing ( Figure 2 ). Now that implementation is maturing in most of the sponsoring operating companies , the program is looking to establish more result-focused KPIs on the volume of equipment purchased ( Figure 3 ), projects utilising JIP33 specifications , and the percentage of value captured . The sponsoring operating companies are now asking their EPC partners to track and monitor comparable data within those organisations to demonstrate how JIP33 specifications adoption is expanding . The KPIs are intended to show JIP33 adoption throughout the supply chain , but it is also possible to monitor the value derived from JIP33 implementation . Due to supply chain complexity , market fluctuations and oil price , baselining cost and demonstrating the cost impact of JIP33 can be challenging . However , what can be determined are the engineering hours required to issue a Request for Quotation ( RFQs ) for a standardised product , as well as tracking the reduction in clarifications that result in issuing standardised requirements . For manufacturers , having standardised requirements and Data Sheets means there should be less administration needed in responding to RFQs . Over the years , JIP33 has organised industry events to discuss the initiatives with key supply chain stakeholders . Recent engagement activities include inviting senior management from regional suppliers , EPCs and non-sponsoring Operating Companies to the IOGP Engineering Leadership Council to discuss their
JIP33 Implementation Ladder
Figure 2 : Adoption staircase
100 % Purchased
70 % RFQ issued
50 % In project BOD
30 % In library
10 % Intent to adopt
46 Heat Exchanger World September 2023 www . heat-exchanger-world . com