Heat Exchanger World Magazine September 2023 | Page 17

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Decarbonisation needed will be pivotal in the transition . Figure 1 illustrates why we need to find ways to maximise our efficiency when it comes to making the most from renewable sources , like solar energy .
Energy shifting
Energy shifting
On the path to decarbonsation Taken as a whole , heat is responsible for more than double the energy demand of global electricity generation , and produces 55 % of global energy emissions ¹. Getting that number down is a significant decarbonisation ² goal , but up to now , attempts have often been siloed , looking at areas like electrification , hydrogen , biomass , and carbon capture , utilisation , and storage ( CCUS ) separately , and focusing on specific end uses . That is why the path to carbon neutrality sometimes seems so difficult , waiting for new technologies to replace those we have relied upon for decades or even centuries . Thankfully , the means to use sustainably-generated steam are well within reach . As the need to decarbonise our planet becomes more urgent , it is reassuring that with steam , that does not mean losing it altogether . We all know that the days of driving
“ It is engineers from every discipline that will design , build , retrofit , operate and make safe the infrastructure and technologies for a decarbonised UK to be fully achieved .” - National Engineering Policy Centre , Royal Academy of Engineering
petrol or diesel vehicles will come to an end , that our use of natural gas will be restricted , and difficult decisions will have to be made if we are to ensure our planet ' s future . This is not the case with steam . Moving away from fossil-fueled boilers does not require waiting decades for new alternatives to arrive . Nor does it mean a complete overhaul of existing systems . The ability to retrofit boilers with electric heating technology is here , now . When old equipment needs replacing , new , more efficient electric options are readily available . As the power generation shift away from coal , gas , and oil , steam will be ready to prove its carbon-neutral potential . Alongside , there will be an increasing need to do more with less , continually assessing and improving efficiency measures that will make steam even more important to so many industries that rely upon it . Data-driven , system-wide approaches will be the most effective means of doing so . Because steam is so widely used by so many diverse industries , there is a huge variety of steam system sizes , configurations , end-use applications , and operational practices . This means there are many options to identify opportunities for improving steam system performance . Just as steam has helped civilisations around the world grow and develop , now it is the turn of engineers to help steam continue its place in our history . Steam has taken us on a rewarding journey so far , and will continue to do so for centuries to come .
Industrial heat demand
About half of the fuel consumed for energy in industry can be electrified with available technology .
Estimated share of industrial fuel consumption for energy in 2017 , 1 %
Fuel consumed for purposes other than heat generation ²
Fuel consumed for heat
Very high , above ~ 1,000 ° C
100 % = 66 million terajoules
[ 1 ] “ Global Energy Perspective 2022 ,” McKinsey , April 26 , 2022 .
[ 2 ] Note that reaching net zero is not just about
CO 2 emissions but all greenhouse gases , including methane and F-gases . Here we use decarbonisation to cover all relevant emission reductions . National Engineering Policy Centre , Royal Academy of Engineering ( https :// raeng . org . uk / media / b4jpdttw / net-zero-a-systemsperspective-on-the-climate-challenge-finalnepc . pdf ) “ Net-zero heat : Is it too hot to handle ?”, McKinsey Sustainability , July 22 , 2022 . ( https :// www . mckinsey . com / capabilities / sustainability / ourinsights / sustainability-blog / net-zero-heat-is-ittoo-hot-to-handle )
High , ~ 400-1,000 ° C 17
Medium , ~ 100-400 ° C 18
Low , up to ~ 100 ° C
Industrial fuel consumption for energy
Peak solar generation
Figure 1 : Taking positive steps now . Source : McKinsey & Company
~ 50 %
Current electrification potential
Technology for electrification Available today In research or pilot stage Potential not assessed
~ 35 %
Current hybrid / dual electrification potential
¹ Figures do not sum to 100 %, because of rounding . Sectors included are chemicals and petrochemicals , iron and steel , nonmetallic minerals , nonferrous metals , food and tobacco , transport equipment , machinery , textile and leather , wood and wood products , paper pulp and print , mining , industrial feedstock and other industrial nonenergy use . Excludes industrial fuel consumption for feedstock and current industrial electricity consumption .
Approximately 80 % of fuel consumed for energy in industry is fuel consumed for heat . Other uses include HVAC , refrigeration and cooling , and onsite transport . Industrial energy consumption for which the source data does not specify a sector is assigned to this category as well . Source : Arnout de Pee et al ., " Decarbonization of industrial sectors : The next frontier ," June 2018 , McKinsey . com ; expert interviews ; " Manufacturing energy and carbon footprints ( 2014 MECS )," US Department of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy , September 2018 , energy . gov ; Nicolas Pardo et al ., Heat and cooling demand and market perspective , Joint Research Centre , 2012 , publications . jrc . ec . europa . eu ; World Energy Balances 2017 , OECD Publishing , 2017 ; McKinsey analysis
Figure 2 : Estimated share of industrial fuel consumption for energy in 2017
www . heat-exchanger-world . com Heat Exchanger World September 2023