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Waste Treatment
The use of anaerobic digestion is rapidly increasing in the wastewater sector . Image courtesy of HRS Heat Exchangers
array heats more than one digester , and the improved thermal performance reduces heating requirements and improves the overall energy efficiency of the AD plant . Operating life is often considerably greater compared to internal heating units , and routine maintenance is more straightforward . Cooling and recovering the heat from exhaust gases can increase the efficiency of combined heat and power ( CHP ) plants used to generate electricity from biogas . Using HRS G Series heat exchangers on the exhaust recovers energy which can be used elsewhere in the plant , including feedstock and digester heating , pasteurisation and digestate concentration . The HRS BDS Series is an efficient solution to cool and dehumidify biogas for combustion . The system condenses up to 90 % of the water contained in the gas , which is continuously separated before the clean biogas is ready for use as a fuel in the CHP engine , and an optional heat recovery step can reduce energy costs up to 20 %. The HRS DPS ( Digestate Pasteurisation System ) is designed to effectively and efficiently pasteurise digestate , feedstocks , sludge and similar materials , allowing operators to maximise the efficiency of their overall process while meeting regulatory requirements and increasing potential markets for digestate as a biofertiliser . Traditional single tank pasteurisation units simply dump this heat afterwards , meaning they are incredibly wasteful and inefficient . In contrast , the DPS recaptures this heat and uses it again , making it up to 70 % more efficient than traditional single tank โ heat jacket โ type pasteurisation systems . After digestion and biogas production , the digestate is often separated mechanically into solid and liquid phases . The HRS DCS ( Digestate Concentration System ) uses an evaporation process to concentrate the digestate , meaning that the volume is decreased , reducing the costs of storage , transport and application . Using a multi-stage evaporation process , the liquid digestate volume can be reduced by up to 80 %. Unlike other technologies , the HRS DCS increases the content of crop nutrients whilst recapturing energy for use in the subsequent concentration phases , increasing energy efficiency and reusing the condensate elsewhere in the AD plant , preventing additional discharge to the environment .
About the author
Matt Hale joined HRS Heat Exchangers in 2013 . Today , as Global Key Account Director , he is responsible for overseeing and developing the HRS Group โ s strategies for business development and marketing . Matt has a proven background of over 20 years within process and mechanical engineering and holds a Sales & Marketing Management Diploma from the Ashridge Business School .
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