Experience Exchange structure . Specialized exchangers for offshore or marine projects can use copper nickel , brass , galvanized steel , or titanium . Other industries , such as food or pharmaceutical grade typically utilize stainless steel with special requirements . “ It really comes down to the application in order to determine the material that needs to be used , based on certain specifications ,” he added . Most heat exchangers have a steel support structure . “ High pressure heat transfer equipment has to be strong enough to hold the desired pressure , which drives material selection and thicknesses ,” said Dillon . “ We use stainless steel for corrosion resistance on certain applications from natural gas projects , guarding on offshore projects , and some seawater applications . Certain projects will require titanium or inconels for more demanding applications .”
Michael Dillon , Saxon Company . Image courtesy of Saxon Company .
661 , it has a different material selection and design than a non-coded exchanger . A lot of the time it depends on the size of the equipment ,” said Dillon . A lot of heat exchangers use copper or aluminum for the heat transfer material and carbon for the
Common challenges Since the COVID-19 pandemic , the supply chain has been a point of frustration . “ I started this position two years before COVID , so I have seen the supply chain working from all sides ,” said Dillon . “ The supply chain will appear to have recovered from COVID , and then it will be clear that it has not .” When the delivery of components is delayed , unexpected downtimes are hard to avoid . “ It depends on the week . Sometimes the assets themselves are delayed , sometimes it ’ s the people who are delayed .” “ For example , welding can sometimes bring forth a challenge . There was a point in time where it was difficult to employ welders ,” explained Dillon . “ We had