Heat Exchanger World Magazine February 2023 | Page 51

Project News

Aker Carbon Capture signs LoI for large carbon capture project
Inpex joins the Rajabasa Geothermal Project in Indonesia
Inpex Corporation has joined the Rajabasa Geothermal Project in Indonesia through Inpex Geothermal Ltd , a subsidiary established for the purpose of conducting geothermal business . The project is based in the Rajabasa Geothermal Block in Lampung Province in the southeast part of Sumatra island , Indonesia . Engie SA , Sumitomo Corporation , and PT Supreme Energy , a private Indonesian geothermal power generation business developer , have until now conducted exploration activities through an investment
in PT Supreme Energy Rajabasa . Inpex joined the project by acquiring 31.45 % of the shares of PT Supreme Energy Rajabasa held by Engie SA through Inpex Geothermal . While the project is in the exploration stage , surface and geophysical surveys have indicated a certain potential for geothermal resources . If sufficient geothermal resources are located through exploration activities to warrant the development of the project , this is expected to contribute to the further expansion of Inpex ’ s geothermal business in Indonesia .
Aker Carbon Capture has signed a Letter of Intent for the delivery of two Just Catch units for an undisclosed European customer . Both units will be part of a project with a capture capacity of 200,000 tonnes CO2 per year . The final investment decision is expected in the second quarter of 2023 . “ We are pleased to announce that we have reached an important milestone for the development of this large carbon capture project . With our field-proven carbon capture technology we are dedicated to help decarbonize our customer ’ s industrial operations . Today , we are already in the
construction phase of two flagship projects , one in Norway and one in the Netherlands . This new project is a clear testimony of our ambition to be a carbon capture frontrunner . Carbon capture , utilization and storage is crucial to reduce industrial emissions and mitigate climate change . The time to act is now ,” says Valborg Lundegaard , Chief Executive Officer at Aker Carbon Capture . At Twence ’ s waste to energy facility in the Netherlands , Aker Carbon Capture is currently delivering a Just Catch unit with a capacity of 100,000 tonnes CO2 per year . This plant will be in operation by the end of 2023 .
ABO Wind realises green hydrogen project with refuelling station
For the first time , ABO Wind will combine a wind farm with the production and use of green hydrogen : The German Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport is funding the Hünfeld- Michelsrombach project with around twelve million euros as part of the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Innovation Programme . The funding directive is coordinated by NOW
GmbH and implemented by Project Management Jülich ( PtJ ). The green hydrogen is to be produced by means of water electrolysis in the industrial park and is mainly supplied to lorries at the public refuelling filling station that is also to be built . Later use for other hydrogen vehicles such as cars would also be possible . Around 50 lorries can be refuelled per day at the filling station . The plant is designed in such a way that part of the hydrogen can also be transported to distant customers by lorry via mobile storage units , so-called trailers . In this way as an H2 hub in the region the project will not only contribute to the traffic turnaround but also offer industrial and commercial customers the opportunity to gradually make their processes climate-friendly .
US DOE invests USD 2.5M to support university training and research
The US Department of Energy ’ s ( DOE ) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management ( FECM ) has announced USD 2.5M in funding for four training and research projects to be conducted at US colleges and universities . The projects will support the development of technologies capable of converting natural gas to high-value products , such as fertilizer , antifreeze , pharmaceuticals , and a wide range of chemicals like ammonia , methanol , and propane , and will also promote collaborative work in humanities-driven science , technology , engineering , and mathematics ( STEM ) fields . Projects were selected
under FECM ’ s University Coal Research ( UCR ) program and the Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Other Minority Institutions ( HBCU-OMI ) program . These programs serve to educate and train the next generation of engineers and scientists working to advance integrated solutions key to meeting the Biden-Harris Administration ’ s goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 . FECM funds research , development , demonstration , and deployment projects to decarbonize power generation and industrial production , remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere , and mitigate the environmental impacts of fossil fuel production and use . Priority
areas of technology work include carbon capture , carbon conversion , carbon dioxide removal , carbon dioxide transport and storage ,
hydrogen production with carbon management , methane emissions reduction , and critical minerals production .
www . heat-exchanger-world . com Heat Exchanger World February 2023