challenging environment the condensing economiser will be working in . We are actually dealing with very harsh chemicals in the exhaust stream that require very careful selection of materials . We will be aiming at recovering at least 40 % of the total energy consumed .” “ We looked at a cost-effective design for this and demonstrated that for such a harsh environment , we can actually do a modular and flexible design for the condensing economiser .” “ Since the first of August 2024 , the HPCE has been validated . It has since been running and providing all the required heat for the hot water system that the factory needs for their production .”
What do you see as the main benefit of HCPEs for energy intensive industrial production ? “ Until now , viable condensing economisers from exhaust streams were not available . What we have demonstrated today is that this is doable using existing materials and knowledge . The heat pipes also allow safer operation , multiple contingency , modular design , and flexible geometry . We can now show the industry that there is an answer here . What businesses see going up their chimneys into the atmosphere , can be stopped , and we can condense and treat it instead . It ’ s a win-win situation for everyone .” “ It gives the industry more control on the emission side . I believe the chemical industry in particular will find very good use of the condensing economiser ,
because it will be an addition to energy efficiency , water recycling , and materials recovery . You can apply the same thing to any other industry , but the heavily regulated chemical industry in particular will benefit the most , I believe .”
What difference will it make if more and more industries implement the technology ? “ The Heat Pipe Condensing Economiser has been developed with factories with no chimneys in mind . A concept that I have been working on since 2013 . My dream for the future is a factory where we can actually breathe the exhaust coming out of it . There won ’ t be any fumes , it will only be safe gases . With the success of our first installation in Alufluor , I believe we are almost there to make this dream a reality .”
About the author
Corinna Barnstedt works as a Project Manager and Science Communicator at the European Science Communication Institute ( ESCI ). She holds a Diploma in Geography and completed a Journalistic Traineeship at Jahreszeiten Verlag Hamburg . She has been writing for the science sections of several newspapers and started working in EU project communication and management in 2009 .
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