Heat Exchanger World Magazine April 2023 | Page 52

Product News
Chart Industries provides ISO tanks to Blue Water Shipping
Oxford Brookes University part of GBP 3.35M pilot project
Chart Industries , Inc . GTLS ( Chart ), a global engineering design and manufacturer of highly engineered equipment servicing multiple applications across clean energy is providing ISO tanks to its customer , Bofort NV of Antwerp , Belgium , the exclusive provider of ISO containers to Project Greensand consortium member Blue Water Shipping A / S , Denmark . Carbon Capture and Storage ( CCS ) Project Greensand demonstrates , for the first time , the feasibility of cross-border , offshore CO 2 storage across the full value chain - from capture to transport and storage . Specifically , CO 2 is captured in Antwerp and
transported by ship to the depleted Nini West oil field in the North Sea , paving the way for the development of an international CCS value chain . This marks the culmination of the project ’ s pilot phase . The Final Investment Decision ( FID ) for a fullscale project is planned for the first half of 2024 . In full scale , Project Greensand can store up to 1.5 million tonnes of CO 2 per year in 2025 / 2026 and potentially up to 8 million tonnes of
CO 2 per year in 2030 . In February 2023 , leading consortium partners INEOS and Wintershall Dea received the necessary storage license from the Danish authorities .
A ground-breaking research project that will see up to 150 clean air-source heat pumps installed in Oxford homes is being supported by Oxford Brookes University . The Clean Heat Streets project aims to explore how barriers to heat pump uptake , such as the high cost of installation , can be overcome by taking a street-by-street , rather than individual home , approach . The project will see 150 heat pumps installed in participating households in the Rose Hill area of Oxford , funded by a grant of GBP 3.35M from the Net Zero Innovation Portfolio ( NZIP ) which is part of the Government ’ s Heat Pump Ready funding programme .
The consortium consists of Samsung , Oxford Brookes University , University of Oxford , Oxford City Council , Oxfordshire County Council , Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks ( SSEN ), GenGame , Passiv UK , Alto Energy , and Rose Hill and Iffley Low Carbon group . The project builds on the work of a six-month feasibility study that used Oxford Brookes University ’ s innovative local area energy mapping approach ( LEMAP ) to identify suitable homes for installing heat pumps and explored the key barriers to heat pump uptake in the Rose Hill area of Oxford .
Heat Exchanger World April 2023 www . heat-exchanger-world . com