G lamour, curves, spacesaving
ideas on tap for coming year
One good thing about building furniture – people’s tastes constantly change, creating a renewed source of interest in your products. And you won’t get bored making the same thing year after year.
Of course, there will always be a market for traditional country
furniture, but the wise furniture builder keeps up with the trends.
Here are a few of the things that leaders in the industry say will
continue to stay strong or increase in popularity.
Glamour will be popular in 2013
One trend for the coming year will be more glamour. What is
glamorous to one person may not be to another but in general
people will be looking for something out of the ordinary.
Sharp contrasts are one component of glamour. For example, one
web site showed a picture of a dresser with mitered drawer fronts in
curly maple and a natural finish with the frame painted black.
Extremes also are a symbol of glamour, such as chairs with either extreme curves or extreme straight lines. Upholstered chairs
with hardwood frames, especially those that feature plenty of
curves, appear to be popular.
There is also a growing interest in furniture styles found in other
countries, which are often considered more glamorous simply because they’re different than traditional American styles.
Bold is the trend for fabric colors and materials (see box on next
page). Pleated materials for cushions and other upholstered areas
is also expected to trend high.
Dining tables will be big
Statement dining tables are also projected to be popular. By
“statement” the experts mean a big, in-your-face style. This doesn’t