Heartland Directory - Home & Garden 2013 Issue | Page 16

Put clutter in its place D A few simple tips can bring order to chaos o you remember what your desktop looks like? How about your bedroom floor? Do you have fond memories of when you could open the closet door without things tumbling out? Clutter is a problem for most people, especially if you have a busy schedule or have lived in your house for a long time. Most people have a goal to someday declutter their home. A few simple tips can help you take charge of the clutter in your home and to keep it that way. Start small Yes, you want to declutter the entire house but that can be such an overwhelming task that it never gets done. Instead, focus on one specific area – the desktop or the medicine cabinet or at least one room, say the living room, where you’ll notice the difference immediately. Sticking with a smaller area will give you instant results and keep you motivated for future tasks. Limit your cleaning to an hour, which will keep you at the task and prevent frustration. Create a song playlist on your iPod or an Internet music site that totals an hour. That’ll help you keep track of how long you’re cleaning plus will make it more enjoyable. Throw things away Unless you’re hoping to be featured on the TV show Hoarders, you have a lot of things that could be thrown away. Mail is one of 16 the biggest offenders. Sort it when you bring it in, toss the junk, file the bills and respond to anything that requires immediate attention. The refrigerator and kitchen cabinets also contain a lot of unused – and often spoiled – food. Toss the bad stuff and donate unwanted non-perishables to a food bank. You probably also have clothes in your closet that you haven’t worn in years. Donate it to Goodwill or a similar organization. An easy way to determine which clothes you wear on a regular basis and which ones might be eligible for a garage sale or Goodwill is the Hanger Test. Start by hanging all your clothes backwards from how you normally hang them. Then once you wear an item, hang it back up the right way. After six months, check to see how many clothes remain hanging backwards. These might be ??\?????Y\??][???Y????H?]?]?YH[[??]HH??Y[??[[?HX?]\?[?\?XK?\??[?]ZX??HXZ?H[?HY?[??H[?x?&\?B??Y\[???\?Z[?][\?[?XZ?H[?B??X[^?H??X[?H[???[?H?[??]?] ??H[??]?YH\??X?]?H?[?[??[?[?H?YH????]\?][^?HH?X?B?[?[?\??YK?XZ?H?\?H??X?\???]B??X\?[?\?X??H??YH ??\?[? ? L???H[[??[?\???Y[?X?]\?\??[ ??H[?\??[?[?\??[Z[HY?H?Y?X]?HZ\????\]Z\Y[???]??X??]?\?[??YHH????^H?[???X?]]ZX??H?[?^HXY?X???]?YK]X^HXZ?H[?H?[??H?X?HH?[?]H??[??[??\??^H]]]?^H[?Z\????HXX??[YK?Y??[?]\?Y][\?\?HY????]???H??[?\????[???[?HZY??YH?[?]?[??Y\[?????[?^?Y?]?[]??H][\??][??X\?H?XX? ??H???[???]H?[Z[x?&\?X?]??[?XY??]\???[?^?][?[?\????\??][???H?X]HH?X[?[??X?]?]\?YHB??X?Y?X?[YH??HH?YZ???X[?B?\?X\?]?]?]\?YH?\?\? Z?B?[?\?\???]?[???[?\????Y??Y?\?]??]?^HHY\?????&]?????\??[Z[?????[???H[???]?X?Y?X?X?\???][\?[??[??]\??[H?]???[??[?x?&\?H?H\?[??[K????H?[?][X?]\?[?\??YK]8?&[?YX?B?H??\??][???X\??[????HZ\?X?Y][K??H??&]?X??YHH?]\?\?[?B?[?[??H\?]??HH???H\??X[???????X]8?$???Y][Y\?[??X\??X?H H[?????Y\]]?^K??]B?]H?]\?\?[?]?]X?K\?X?X[H???H?\?H?[Z[H?]?Y??X???H??????[?^?][?[[??X[?[?????[B?[?H?X[?]\????&]???[??B?XZ???]\???K???