HEARTFELT - Yeshiva Darchei Torah Pre-Dinner Newsletter 2018 DarcheiNewsletter2018HighResSinglePages | Page 24

אור לכ “ ח טבת תשע “ ח January 14 , 2018 24

The Yeshiva has grown in size , but the staff continues to maintain the same warmth and individual attention to talmidim it offered when there were only two classes .

marketable skills in areas like plumbing , electricity and woodworking . Some of its graduates are now respected tradesmen in the Far Rockaway / Five Towns community , while others have pursued different careers , including business , long-term learning or teaching . The Yeshiva ’ s many academically gifted talmidim are also given special opportunities to develop their talents , with the Yeshiva providing them extra enrichment via advanced shiurim , and in general studies , Advanced Placement ( AP ) courses .
About seven years ago , Rav Bender inaugurated a program to help talmidim whose learning may be challenged not by physical or cognitive issues but by difficult family situations . Students from widowed or divorced homes , or who have other family challenges , are provided with whatever help they might need to succeed in yeshiva . Assistance ranges from new clothing for yom tov to counseling services to pairing them with local fathers who accompany the boys to shul on Shabbos .
אור לכ “ ח טבת תשע “ ח January 14 , 2018 24