Every parent glows with joy when his children succeed , and all the more so when they remain firmly within the family orbit . The Rosh HaYeshiva , Rav Yaakov Bender , is no different : When he walks into the bais medrash and kollel , and sees how his “ children ”— talmidim — have grown , his heart swells .
אור לכ “ ח טבת תשע “ ח January 14 , 2018 12
תורת חסד על לשונה
Pairing Torah with Chesed Grew Yeshiva Darchei Torah into a World-Class Yeshiva
Mrs . Barbara Bensoussan
Every parent glows with joy when his children succeed , and all the more so when they remain firmly within the family orbit . The Rosh HaYeshiva , Rav Yaakov Bender , is no different : When he walks into the bais medrash and kollel , and sees how his “ children ”— talmidim — have grown , his heart swells .