HeartBeat Fall 2018 | Page 17

LandLINK Connects Farmers across Missouri “Having the right Connections in rural America is extremely important. Our LandLINK service is all about helping farmers make those connections,” says David Janish, CEO, FCS Financial. LandLINK is a new service provided by FCS Financial. It connects young, beginning farmers with landowners through completion of an online form. The young, beginning farmer completes a form where they describe their current farming operation, experience and agricultural goals regarding the size of farm they want to purchase or lease and location. The landowner completes a landowner form where they indicate if they want someone to buy or lease their property, the location and number of acres. “We understand the challenge for young, beginning farmers to find landowners or retiring farmers with land to sell or lease. Often landowners are challenged to find the “right” person to sell or lease their land to. LandLINK will serve as the connection point between these two groups,” says Janish. FCS Financial reviews all forms submitted. If there is a landowner and young, beginning farmer that appear to have similar goals, the landowner will receive the young, beginning farmer’s contact information and form. This allows the landowner to maintain their privacy if selling or leasing their property is not public information. There is no cost to either party for this service and participants do not have to be FCS Financial member-owners. These forms and more information are located on the LandLINK page on myfcsfinancial.com. Contact FCS Financial at 1-800-369-3276 extension 1173 for more information. Celebrate Cooperative Month With Us Celebrated by cooperatives nationwide during the month of October, Co-op Month is an opportunity to celebrate the many ways cooperatives are using innovation to create shared prosperity for their members and communities. With more than 40,000 cooperatives creating stable jobs and a more sustainable economy across the U.S., co-ops represent a proven way to do business and build communities. FCS Financial will be out and about with our grill trailer providing lunches to those delivering grain at local elevators. Follow us on Facebook or watch our website for the most current information. HEARTBEAT | FALL 2018 17