Financial provides financing and
Fair from the St. Louis area who was
related services to more than 15,000
giving a presentation on sustainable
farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses.
agriculture. She had never lived on a
We have the financial capacity to
farm nor had anyone from her family
provide financing to some of the
been involved in agriculture. How
largest operations in the state, but we
did she get involved – 4-H.
have also shown a strong commitment
to serving young, beginning and
time that our Senators, Representative
small farmers. Our approach in the
and their staff spent with us during
marketplace strives to deliver value
our visit. Our time in Washington
to all customers by focusing ag
meeting with our elected officials
expertise appropriate for the industry,
clearly showed the demands placed
complexity of operations and needs
on them.
of each individual borrower.
their waiting rooms to be filled with
people wanting “a few minutes of
importance of their local communities
their time.” I left Washington feeling
to our stockholders so we have
pretty good about the people we have
In early July, FCS Financial Board
invested heavily in the success of rural
elected to represent us. Overall, they
members Sherry Jones (Area 11)
communities in Missouri through
have a good understanding of the
and Mark Pierce (Area 2) and I had
our volunteer efforts, donations and
issues faced by agriculture and the
an opportunity to join with several
community involvement and support.
importance of agriculture to the state.
other Farm Credit Associations for a
While this message is vitally
“Hill Visit” in Washington, D.C. We
important and generally understood
spent more than 2 days preparing for
and meeting with each of Missouri’s
represent rural areas, we must also
congressional representatives and/or
be able to clearly articulate how your
their staff members on agriculture
financial cooperative supports urban
related issues and, more specifically,
communities. There is a significant
about the value that we believe FCS
amount of misinformation and lack
Financial delivers to our customer-
of understanding about agriculture
stockholders and communities in
in many of these communities, so
rural Missouri.
our support of FFA and 4-H and our
involvement with Missouri Farmers
David Janish, CEO
FCS Financial has an excellent
story to tell.
Care are examples of reaching out
to urban communities to raise
communities and agriculture with
awareness and provide information
reliable, consistent credit and financial
on agriculture. Does it work? I believe
services, today and tomorrow. As the
so. $