Heart Rate 05/05/2014 | Page 15

Ways to lose weight

Try the water diet. This diet involves drinking a daily total of about 64 fluid ounces (8 cups) of cold water, at regular intervals throughout the day. Drink a glass of water before each meal to suppress your appetite

Do a juice cleanse. This method is also known as the Hollywood diet.[3]. There are many different kinds of juice cleanses out there. However, the main concept is to only consume juices made from raw fruits and vegetables. The cleanse will remove toxins from your system, helping you lose weight while also making you feel more alert and healthy.

Consider the Master Cleanse. The master cleanse is a liquid-only diet that consists of a “lemonade” (lemon, cayenne pepper powder, maple syrup, and water), a salt-water drink, and herbal laxatives. The diet lasts for 16 days--three days of easing into the diet by only eating raw fruits and veggies, 10 days of the liquid only diet, and three more days easing back into solid foods.

Avoid Drinking Beer

This applies to women too, but men drink more beer on average. Beer contains rapidly digested carbs that shut down fat burning. That’s why beer is sometimes referred to as “liquid bread”. There’s a good reason for the term “beer belly.”

Do excersise! a very good one to lose weight that is highly recomended is by doing cardio excersises.