Heart Rate 05/05/2014 | Page 13

Interview to a Student of Medicine


Health and Diseases

What are some of the deseases of this system?

The most important diseases are arteriosclerosis, heart attack, aortic aneurysm and hypertension

What is atheriosclerosis? And What are the main causes?

Is a disease in which plaque (plak) builds up inside your arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart and other parts of your body and starts when high blood pressure, smoking, or high cholesterol damage the endothelium.

What is the hypertension? And when does it occurs?

Also referred to as high blood pressure, is a condition in which the arteries have persistently elevated blood pressure and some of the causes are smoking, being overweight or obese, lack of physical activity and too much salt in the diet.

At what age is more common to have a circulatory disease?

If the person had a healthy life the common age to have one of this diseases is aprox. 60 years old because you are and old person.

What is the most dangerous disease?

A heart attack because it affects the person inmediatly and could died in just a couple of seconds.

What should we do to prevent these diseases?

Make exercise at least 30 minutes per day, eat healthy like food without salt and don’t smoke etc.

What is an aortic aneurysm? And when does it occurs?

An aneurysm is a bulge or "ballooning" in the wall of an artery. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to other parts of the body. If an aneurysm grows large, it can burst and cause dangerous bleeding or even death.

Is it important to take care of this system? Why?

Yes, because is the system in charge of transpotating the blood and this is an element that transport the nutrients to every single cell of the body

Andrés Murillo Mendoza (21 years old)

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