Heart and Aorta Branches Of The Aorta | Page 2

Branches Of Aorta First branches of Aorta are the Coronary arteries. After giving off these branches aorta climbs up to the upper part of chest and turns downward to form an arch. Thus there are three distinct parts of aorta at this area. ● Ascending Aorta – the part which goes up ● Arch of Aorta – the arching part which also gives off branches that supply the brain (carotid arteries) and the two upper limbs (Subclavian arteries) ● Descending Aorta – the part which comes down in the chest after the arch. This part gives of intercostal arteries. Intercostal arteries have a major role in the blood supply of spinal cord. The descending aorta travels down and goes across diaphragm to enter abdomen (Abdominal Aorta). Abdominal aorta supplies the intestine and all the organs in the abdomen. The branches of Abdominal aorta are ● Coeliac Artery – supplies liver, spleen, gallbladder and pancreas ● Superior Mesenteric Artery – Supplies the intestines ● Inferior Mesenteric Artery – Supplies the intestines ● Renal Arteries – Normally one for either side and supplies kidney © 2019 ​ Heart and Aorta​ All Rights Reserved