Heart 2 Heart Concepts Magazine October 2015 | Página 8


Our daily lives are often full of so many distractions, stressors, and tasks that we often find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and unproductive. We all are extremely busy in our daily lives in our professions, relationships, families, pursuing higher education, and many other responsibilities that we cater to. Many of us may feel that we are too busy to meditate, but that is a common myth. In fact, the busier you are, the more you should meditate. There are several reasons why you should include meditation into your daily practice. I have narrowed them down to my own personal top 5 reasons: health benefits, increased focus, increased gratitude, happiness, and the ability to enhance your relationships.

Health Benefits

Where do I begin? The health benefits that come with meditation are immeasurable. My primary reasons for meditation are to decrease my level of stress, and enhance my resilience. This greatly improves mental health, and my ability to cope with stressful situations. In addition to this, mindful meditation can help keep depression and anxiety at bay, as well as serve as a pain management tool (Donnely, 2013). Imagine the type of fulfillment you could experience in life with a skill like this in your toolbox!

Increased Focus

We are all guilty of losing our direction from time to time. This can cause you to become stale in creativity in production. Who would have ever thought that sitting still and doing nothing could increase your focus and productivity? As busy as well all are, we have to question whether we are focused and being productive. In fact, I often preach to others that the busier you are, the more you should meditate. Daniel Bor, a neuroscientist, has identified research that supports meditation as a tool to increase focus and decrease stress by enhancing performance of the prefrontal parietal network and prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobe (Bor, 2012). Since I have begun meditating, I have been able to enhance my overall performance and productivity as a result of using meditation to declutter my mind-space. With razor sharp focus and enhanced performance the sky is the limit, there are so many opportunities that are waiting for you.

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Meditate

Increasing your awareness and productivity by incorporating daily stillness and mindfulness

By: Jazmin Shawell-Wallace, RNC-OB, BSN, USAF