Many times you focus on what you need to do and the actions that you need to take . It is equally important to identify what you need to stop doing . What are the behaviors and actions that are going to keep you away from your goals ? It ’ s not good enough to just simply identify what you need to do , but you must be honest and realistic about what you need to stop doing . I will stop impulsive shopping and save $ X , XXX per month .
The third component to creating new opportunity is really very simple , yet we make it complex . You must do what you said you were going to do ! Every big goal should have 2-3 small progressive tasks that keep you moving . Each progressive task should be expressed as an action with a deadline . And don ’ t skip the deadline ! Hold yourself accountable to yourself . If you can ’ t be your own accountability partner , align yourself with someone who will help you stay on task .
New People
The course of your life is influenced by the activities ; environments and people you choose to expose yourself to . As an adult , we underestimate the power of controlling what influences we allow in our lives . You can control your environment . You can decide where you go and with whom you associate . You decide who is a part of your live and who is not . But wait ! What about my family and co-workers ? You may not be able to choose your family or co-workers , but you can control how your environment controls you . You definitely cannot control other people , but you can control your exposure to them . You cannot always control circumstances and situations , but you can always control what you do when circumstances arise .
So let ’ s look at the people that are in your life . There are seven kinds of people you will encounter . Some you need and others you don ’ t . First , are Rejuvenators . These people breathe life into you . They refresh you when you are exhausted . They see in you what you cannot see in yourself . They encourage you when you want to quit . You need all the Rejuvenators that you can stand . Next , are Iron Sharpeners . These are the coaches , counselors , and mentors that refine you and sharpen your gifts and talents . You cannot create new opportunity alone . Align yourself with experts who can pour knowledge into you . The next group that you need in your life are Sunshines . Sunshine people emit warmth and energy that make you feel good about yourself . Just being in their presence makes you feel better and inspires you . You may not know them personally , but you learn from them and their experiences . They inspire you ! The next group neither adds nor takes away , but definitely takes up space — Mirrors . These people sometimes reflect the energy you emit . They can add value by giving you a glimpse of who you are to others .
The last three groups need to stay in the old year ! The first Old Year Person is a Sunburn . Sunburn people are those that don ' t mean you any harm and are not intentionally harming you , but their life , behavior and actions are harmful . Not only are they destroying themselves , but they are destroying others around them . They are like a blackhole full of negative energy masked by a seemingly glamorous life that is really thinly veiled self-destruction . Next , are Machetes . These people try to cut you down to the size of their vision . They have a limited vision of their own lives and cannot see beyond their present circumstances . Sometimes , our loved ones fall into this category . They are good people who are not good for you . The last group are the Invalidators . They purposely bring you down to make themselves feel better . They are usually hurting people who take their hurt out on others . These people need to be moved out of your life completely . If you have Invalidators in your family or workplace , you may not be able to remove them completely , but you can learn how to become Teflon to their negatively .
So whether you have a next year or new year is your choice ! Your life is the product of your choices . Choose to make it the best life you can create . Choose to live your values in your actions . Choose to believe in the