Christine Penn, Author
Christine had a very difficult childhood. However, she was determined to succeed.
Like any true survivor, she constantly re-invented herself. Christine lived in
several states including Maryland where she received her Certification in Business
Communications. Later, she would become a licensed insurance agent. The one
constant in her many careers was helping people.
Although, Christine would triumph, she often wondered why life always seemed to
place her in the middle of the storm. Then, the reason emerged. She would not
tuck her story away, like some shameful secret. Mrs. Penn decided to share her
story, so others would know anything is possible through faith.
Christine re-invented herself yet again. This time as the author of “Girl Stop
Trippin’” which debut in April of 2017. Mrs. Penn describes her work as a “self-
help book for those who are ready to take charge of their life”.
Christine Penn is a New Orleans, LA native. She is a mother, grandmother, and
wife. Christine feels blessed to be enjoying the life God has provided her on the
other side of the storm.