Hearing the Unmet Needs of Patients Suffering Chronic Pain 3905 CLUM opioid ebook TCL single pages no crops 1 | Page 5

Every day brings a shocking new statistic related to the chronic pain crisis in America .
On Monday it might be the number of deaths associated with prescribed opioid treatment of chronic pain .
On Tuesday it might be the number of Attorneys General that have filed suit against drug manufacturers and distributors of opioid products for the harm caused in their respective states .
On Wednesday it might be the impact that the chronic pain / opioid addiction nexus has delivered to children ’ s protective services across the nation .
On Thursday it might be about the settlements – in the hundreds of millions of dollars – entered into by pharmaceutical-linked families , such as the Sacklers , for their roles in the opioid misuse / abuse crisis .
On Friday we may learn about the link between the chronic pain and the opioid environment and how it is fueling fantastic increases in law enforcement , emergency medical service and emergency room costs .
When will it end ?
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