Hear Us Roar! Volume 1 | Page 8


A Nightmare

A nightmare is a dream gone bad

full of all kinds of fears and hate.

It fallows you throughout the days,weeks,months,or even years

just haunting you like a ghost.

Lifeless yet so real

you try to escape it

yet it stalks your every move.

At night I lay sleepless

wondering what it means,

what it wants

what it is?

Is it life or is it death?

At night it keeps me lost alone

in a forest full o f my fears

until i awaken

to start all over again tomorrow

it's the same old story....

the only main difference is that

it's always a different dream

or should i say nightmare every night...

whatever the difference might be

they always end up

haunting me at the end...

By: Christal Flores

7th Grade