How did you get started into music?
I grew up singing in the church choir at the age of about 5 or 6.When I got older I became part of a group called Swagger Kids and we went on to America's Got talent. We didn’t get in but it was a great experience on its own. After some time the group began to get off balance and we all had different outlooks on things and different perspectives causing disagreements. I then branched off on my own and began my solo career as Adonis.
Who are some of your creative influences?
Wow so many. Michael Jackson was extremely creative, Whitney Houston as well, Drake, David Bowie who is a vinyl artist, Boy George, Rasheeda, Andy Warhol, and quite a few others. A lot of the underground talents go unnoticed as well, especially since it's so many.
How would you describe your writing atmosphere?
My atmosphere is definitely isolated from everyone and everything else in a dim room. With me either sitting in a corner or in the middle of the floor with my laptop. When I'm doing music im comfortable and I can say things that I usually can't say on a regular basis. It is a spiritual connection and me getting to know myself a little more.