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The E-LIX™ solution , developed by Lain Technologies Ltd , is a newly developed electrochemical extraction process that uses singular catalysts and physico-chemical conditions to achieve high metal recoveries under low residence times when leaching refractory minerals such as the primary sulphides of copper , lead , zinc and nickel – in particular chalcopyrite , galena , sphalerite and millerite .
Previous methods for leaching of primary sulphides have been met with extremely slow leaching rates and poor recoveries caused by development of a “ passivation layer ” on the mineral surface that inhibits further dissolution of the mineral , Lain says . The E‐LIX technology incorporates systems to solve both the problem of the passivation layer as well as the slow kinetics , resulting in fast reaction rates with high recoveries , and the possibility of selective metal deposition during leaching of complex , polymetallic sulphides , it claims .
E-LIX is considered to be a more environmentally friendly process than existing technologies – generating zero emissions – and does not consume water or acid . It also runs under mild operating conditions ( atmospheric pressure and room temperature ), according to Lain .
Patented in 2014 by Lain , it has been developed in collaboration with Atalaya Mining from an initial concept in the laboratory to a fullyoperational pilot plant located at Proyecto Riotinto , in Spain .
Earlier this year , Atalaya approved the construction of the first phase of an industrialscale plant using E-LIX . This followed a feasibility study to evaluate the technical and economic viability of producing cathodes from complex sulphide concentrates by applying the technology .
The mining company expects the plant to be ready for commissioning in the March quarter of 2023 , noting that the system was expected to provide numerous benefits including higher metal recoveries , lower transportation and concentrate treatment charges , and reduced carbon emissions .
Low carbon copper
Speaking of the ESG benefits that come with these leaching processes , Jetti Resources is making moves to quantify the carbon footprint and water consumption benefits of its patented catalytic technology for extraction of copper in a series of reports .
Jetti was founded in 2014 with the vision of using its commercialised technology to revolutionise the copper industry – making it more efficient , lower impact and a better steward of the world ’ s resources . It is looking to do this through bolting its technology onto existing SX-
EW leaching plants for rapid deployment with limited capital expenditure .
It has also previously stated that there are huge environmental benefits from using its technology for leaching over pyrometallurgy .
Jetti intends to conduct a carbon footprint study and Life Cycle Assessment ( LCA ) this year , with the latter study including analyses of typical copper mining operations without Jetti ’ s technology and a mining operation with Jetti ’ s technology installed .
Jetti has also committed to starting to track water usage and waste at all its operations and sites , which includes the commercial installation it has at Capstone Mining ’ s Pinto Valley operation in the US , and a second unnamed mine .
Mike Outwin , Jetti ’ s CEO , said : “ This year marks the first year in Jetti ’ s sustainability reporting journey and sets out how we will responsibly enable the production of the copper that the world needs for the clean energy transition .
“ We have made important commitments for the year ahead , including completion of a LCA of our technology and a carbon footprint study . These efforts will clearly demonstrate Jetti ’ s advantages in producing copper with a low carbon footprint and low water consumption , when compared to traditional milling and refining methods .”
Superior stacking
Moving to stacking developments where Superior Industries Inc claims to have completed design and manufacturing work on the world ’ s largest telescopic radial stacking conveyor .
The brand-new TeleStacker ® Conveyor model is a 48-in-wide by 210-ft-long ( 1,220 mm x 64 m ) telescoping conveyor capable of building 425,000 t stockpiles .
The record-breaking stacker will be used to unload dry bulk ships along the Atlantic Coast in Florida , in the US , but there is also potential for units to be used at large heap leaching operations . Operators of the new conveyor will be able to
The brand-new TeleStacker Conveyor model is a 48-in-wide by 210-ft-long telescoping conveyor capable of building 425,000 t stockpiles , Superior Industries says
take advantage of the TeleStacker Conveyor ’ s PilePro™ Automation . This Superior-designedand-supported system automatically controls the stacker ’ s actions while building partially- or fullydesegregated stockpiles . Some popular features include pile volume reporting , maintenance triggers and diagnostics screens , the company said .
Superior , in 2022 , is celebrating 25 years of manufacturing its famous TeleStacker Conveyor . During that time , the conveyor has earned a reputation as the best tool for defeating costly material segregation while bulk stockpiling , Superior says .
Terra Nova Technologies Australia ( TNT Australia ), meanwhile , has been awarded the replacement tailings stacker contract by Karara Mining Ltd at its magnetite mine , 200 km southeast of Geraldton , Western Australia .
Karara Mining is the largest mining operation and the first major magnetite mine in the Mid- West of the state . It produces a premium , highgrade concentrate product for export to steelmakers with an expected mine life in excess of 30 years .
The scope of supply will be to replace an existing stacker , TNT Australia explained .
In partnership with TNT ’ s sister company , e2o , a subsidiary of Clough , the contract will include the supply of a new “ fit-for-purpose ” heavy-duty stacker able to withstand the rigours of a highcapacity mining environment along with the associated civil works , installation , commissioning and removal of the existing stacker .
This contract will be completed by TNT Australia and e2o , working in partnership as part of the Murray & Roberts ownership group .
The replacement stacker project is required to be concluded by the end of the year in order to meet Karara ’ s schedule requirements .
74 International Mining | NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2022