Healthy you! health | Page 17

Health in Islam Islam teaching Muslims how to have healthy lifestyle by doing something frequently every day which Islamic pray ( the Salah ) that is a daily exercise for physical and mental health , also month a year Muslims have to fast which help digestive system to rest and Islam prohibition of intoxicants because it impact of long-term in the body. First , daily prayer which is the Salah or Islamic prayer comprises both physical movement and mental concentration. Performed five times a day at specific times of the day, the obligatory prayers provide a good means for the circulation of blood, breathing and general suppleness of joints. Though it is not physically over demanding, we know that anything done moderately and consistently is far better than sudden or infrequent. Second , Fasting in Islam which is not a crash dieting, it is adequate in calorie intake and involves no malnutrition. All foods are permissible to eat in moderation, once the fast is over. Many processed foods we eat contain chemicals which over-time can be stored by our bodies as toxins within cells. Fasting can assist our body to purge these toxins while also allowing our body and digestive system to rest. Research has indicated that fasting can lower blood sugar levels and cholesterol, suggesting it may be advisable for moderate, stable, non-insulin diabetes, obesity and essential hypertension. Third , prohibition of intoxicants in Islam , Islam strictly forbids indulgence in intoxicants such as alcohol and drugs for good reason. The limited pleasure of such vices causes immense long-term damage to both mind, body and the social fabric of society. Particular schools of thought include smoking within the list of prohibitions because of its harmful affects on the body. It seems that if Muslims adhere to the teachings of Islam, they would automatically lead a healthier lifestyle.