Healthy Planet- Healthy Food ABOUT THE PROJECT | Page 3

ABOUT THE PROJECT Healthy Planet-Healthy Food is the campaign about providing healthy food for school children. We are going to solve our real life problem and expect our partners’ help by sharing their experiences and solutions. THE MAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJEC Solving the real life problem about healthy and hygienic snacks for school children: Creating awareness of healthy food among school children. Promotion of good eating habits and discourage unhealthy or junk food from their meals. Exchange of ideas and experiences. Collaboration with students from other European countries Practice foreign languages. Understanding that the healthier food enables the progress of healthier Planet. Students have to: 1) develop critical thinking and real life problem solving skills, 2) develop communicative skills (intercultural communication), 3) develop planning skills, 4) develop collaborative skills, 5) develop analytic skills (surveys), 6) develop media production skills, 7) develop critical evaluation skills. This book is students' collaborative work