Healthy Mama Magazine SPECIAL RED Edition - Feb 2015 | Page 65

Glimmer Q A Pink Hope of Interview with Krystal Barter, Founder of What are three words or three ways that you would describe your philosophy on life? Q A Oh my goodness. Live every day, live every moment because I’ve seen all of my family members and a lot of friends wake up one day and be told that they are not going to be around for much longer. I firmly believe you’ve got to be present in the moment. With the work that I do there are times in the year where I’m not as present in my family life as I would like to be, but at the end of the year, I find time to really connect and I think that that’s critical. We can work hard, we can achieve amazing things, but if your life at home isn’t harmonious then what really do you have? Life is your health and your family. They are the two things that you can’t live without. Live every day, live every moment... Life is your health and your family. How do you encourage these qualities with your three beautiful babies? Q A I include them in what I do as much as I can. Even my ten year old, he comes into the office and he’ll clean up or he’ll pack envelopes or he will do things that really ground him. I always say to my kids, “you are so lucky”. I have done a total technology cleanse in my house. There are no iPads, there are no Wii’s, there are no… anything. It’s a technology free house, which has changed our lives. Our kids are playing Uno again and jumping on the trampoline and having conversations with each other. I don’t think that I’m the best mum in the world, but I think I’m doing an okay job. I’m trying my best to make them appreciate what they have and I think grounding them and getting rid of the things that were distracting them, which was the technology, my kids had no way of self-regulating. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done and will continue to do it. In what ways do you maintain connection within your family? Our home is our sanctuary. When the weekend comes I get invited to go out to amazing things and I’m literally like, “oh, I just want to be at home with my babies. We sleep in and we go for walks and we go for bike rides and we’re just…we are very close, and we live next door to my mum and my granddad and my dad, and my brother lives behind us. My husband calls us the Brady Bunch. I love that! It’s wonderful to keep that closeness with family. Q A I consider myself very lucky. Not everyone has that harmonious family. I feel incredibly fortunate. I think there is probably once a year that my mum and I have a fight, as most daughters and mothers do, but 99.9% of the time we are like best friends. We wake up and the first person I call is her. I just feel that I’ve got a gift, I’ve got an incredible family and I have to nurture that as best as I can and my kids are incredibly fortunate to have the life that they have. If you were to give your premama self a word of advice, what would you say? Oh my goodness. That would have been my eighteen year old self and I was an absolute rat bag. I went from being a nightclubber party girl to staying up breastfeeding and cleaning poopy diapers! It went from literally drinking cocktails until all hours, to actually physically getting no sleep because I was raising incredible children. At least I was prepared, I guess, for the sleepless nights! So, maybe I’d say to myself...buckle up! I wasn’t prepared in any way shape or form, but sometimes it’s better to go in it blind, isn’t it, because if you overthink it, you might not make it! rough Krystal th ith Connect w re to and be su links below ook Krystal's b check out rom available f y One" "The Luck www.pinkh HEALTHY MAMA MAGAZINE 65