Healthy Magazine Healthy SoFlo Issue 64 | Page 40


BEET PINK POWER ENERGY BALLS : The Health Benefit of Beet Powder

They ’ re all the rage . You ’ ve undoubtedly heard whispering about them . You even might have stumbled upon long lines of people at your local bakery and wondered what all the commotions was about . Not to worry . We have the answer . People near and far are clamoring for pint-sized bundles of oven-free energy balls that are not only scrumptious delights but are also packed with so many nutrients . You , too , will find yourself standing in long lines to get your Pink Power Energy Balls .

These sweet and good-for-you energy balls are filled with protein , healthy fats , and iron from the delicious outer core to the inner well . They ’ re low in sugar and easy as pie to pop in your mouth for an on-the-go pick-me-up . But that ’ s not all the good news we have to share with you !
These delicious delicacies endurance-enhancing beet beauties can be made at home ! How great is that ? Grab a pencil and a pad of paper and get ready to make a batch of Pink Power Energy Balls today !
5 Tbsp . buckwheat flour
4 Tbsp . cocoa powder
1 ¼ cups almond meal
9 Tbsp . shredded coconut
( dried and unsweetened )
1 Tbsp . beetroot powder
3 Tbsp . hemp protein
1 Tbsp . coconut oil
14 pitted dates
4 Tbsp . water
2 tsp . coconut or maple
DIRECTIONS : In a food processor , pulse

01 coconut oil , pitted dates , water , and syrup ( coconut or maple ) until smooth . Next , add the dry ingredients and mix well until blended .

Roll into 2-inch balls .

02 Makes 13 balls . Enjoy !

Why should we eat beets ? Because of the many health benefits , of course !
For starters , they have an impressive nutritional profile . They ’ re low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals . They also contain inorganic nitrates and pigments that have a number of additional benefits .
Because of their high concentration of nitrates , beets can help control blood pressure by converting dietary nitrites into nitric oxide , a molecule that dilates the blood vessels .
They can also help improve athletic performance , as nitrates improve the efficiency of mitochondria , which are responsible for producing our cells ' energy .
The natural antiinflammatory properties of betalains found in beets fight inflammation in the body .
They have a high fiber content , which works to improve digestive health .
Nitrates in beets may improve mental and cognitive function by promoting dilation of blood vessels , which will , in turn , increase blood flow to the brain .
Beets are powerful cancer fighters . They ’ ve been known to reduce the division and growth of tumor cells in animals . Scientists are performing clinical trials in hopes that they ’ ll see the same results in humans .
Their high-volume of water may help with weight loss , so consuming them will keep you satisfied longer and may help you avoid overeating .
By Carolina Portes