Healthy Magazine Healthy SoFlo Issue 58 | Page 32



the dreaded cellulite – the one thing women

Oh , fear , and men never even notice . Ninety percent of women and up to ten percent of men will be affected at some point in their lives . This regular occurrence often appears abnormal on the skin . With it ’ s lumpy , orange-peel like appearance , it can cover large surfaces of the skin , most notably , the legs , arms , and buttocks . You ’ re more likely to develop cellulite if you lead an inactive lifestyle , sit for long periods of time on a regular basis , experience the reduction of estrogen during menopause , or suffer from hyperinsulinemia .

This puckering of the skin occurs when the layer of fat that sits just beneath the skin pushes against the connective tissue and bulges . That causes a cottage cheese or orange peel-like appearance . Unfortunately for women , the risk of developing cellulite increases exponentially with menopause and increased age .
When a woman experiences hormonal changes , she undoubtedly will experience a decline in estrogen levels . These changes may contribute to changes in circulation and a reduction in the production of collagen . Fat cells become larger or increase in numbers . The collagen layer thins . Those factors in combination with a change in the blood supply all contribute to or lead to the production of cellulite . While unsightly , cellulite isn ’ t dangerous . There is no pain associated with the production of it .
Nutrition also plays a role in the production of cellulite . High levels of carbohydrates in the diet increase the risk of hyperinsulinemia . This increases the formation of fat cells and growth of the current cells .
There are four distinct stages of development of cellulite . Generally , they start at or about sixteen years of age .
Grade 0 : No cellulite present
Grade 1 : Smooth skin while in a standing position , bumps and dimples while sitting
Grade 2 : Cottage cheese appearance when sitting or standing
Grade 3 : Orange peel appearance while sitting or standing with deep raised and depressed areas .
Currently , there is no known cure for cellulite . The over-the-counter treatments make grand claims to know the secret to eliminating cellulite for good , but none have been proven , and often , the results have been disappointing . However , there are smart strategies that may reduce the appearance of cellulite temporarily .
Dry Skin Brushing has many benefits , not only for aesthetic reasons . This technique offers benefits for the whole body as well .
It might help to soften hard fat deposits below the skin and help to distribute fat deposits more evenly throughout the body .
This helps to reduce the visibility of the cellulite . It also stimulates the lymphatic system , increases circulation , improves digestion , and exfoliates the skin .
Myofascial Release is an effective technique used to release tissue restrictions in the connective tissue that sits just beneath the surface of the skin . Most often , it is caused by inflammation , surgical procedures , and / or trauma .
Coffee scrubs work to stimulate lymphatic flow ( blood ) to an area can also exfoliate and tighten the skin . A scrub can be made with coconut oil and finely ground coffee beans to form a facial mask which can tighten the skin . One could also choose laser or light therapy , even acoustic wave therapy . All help break down fat molecules or decrease in the visibility of cellulite .
By Sarah Wester