Healthy Magazine Healthy SoFlo Issue 58 | Page 28



Because facts matter , let ’ s get down to brass-tacks . Botox isn ’ t a long-term solution . It ’ s a treatment that needs to be repeated over and over again , but that doesn ’ t mean it ’ s not worth your while . Typically , treatment lasts about three to four months depending on many factors including the patient ’ s age and the number of units used in the treatment . Statistically , men fare a little worse with Botox because stronger muscles mean less longevity for the treatment fillers . They can expect treatment to last somewhere between two and three months .

If you ’ re looking for something that lasts a bit longer , you can practice muscle retraining . How that works is you stick to the regimen your doctor has put you on and allow your muscles a chance to change the way they move your face . Allow them to retrain and work for you , not against you .
As with any treatment , you should go into it with a basic understanding of what it is . First , you should learn your provider ’ s philosophy and approach . Make sure that it matches your goals . Do your research about the provider , the facility , the treatment provided , and any potential risk factors of the procedure . Make sure your provider offers before and after consultation to answer any of your questions or concerns . If they ’ re unwilling to sit down and chat , they ’ re not the provider for you . It ’ s their job to ease your mind and take your concerns into account . Don ’ t go into this believing this is a short-term commitment . It is , in fact , the very opposite of that . What you choose to do today could have a significant outcome on the rest of your life and could help prolong your anti-aging process . You know , the reason you considered Botox treatment in the first place . Also , keep in mind that one treatment or one negative effect doesn ’ t constitute full knowledge of how your body will react to treatments in the future . Do your homework .
If you should decide to stop receiving Botox secrets , you ’ ll be glad to know there are no side effects to stopping . If for whatever reason treatments aren ’ t for you , consider that a lesson learned and move on .
Did you know that Botox could be used a preventative treatment for wrinkles ? It can ! Even if you see no wrinkles now , getting injections will weaken the muscle and limit its movement now and will prevent a wrinkle from forming in that area . Yay ! But – there ’ s always a but – when it comes to aging , wrinkles aren ’ t the only thing you want to prevent . Primarily , you should want to prevent the sagging that comes with aging . If you over-weaken a muscle , you ’ re promoting more sagging . Don ’ t go so far as to cause other muscles to compensate for the one you ’ ve over-weakened .
Botox is not the end all , be all . Sometimes you just might need a filler to fill in some of the gaps and plump your skin .
Botox treatments have other benefits too like they can eliminate excess sweating , flushing , adult acne , teeth grinding , jaw clenching and can ever help with migraines . Consult your practitioner to find out what it can do for you and find the right treatment that makes sense for you .
By Eilleen Smith