Healthy Magazine Healthy RGV Issue 122 - Soflo Issue 68 | Page 16

HEALTHY BODY ยท JANUARY 2019 H OW DOES S T RE S S REALLY AFFECT YOUR LIFE? S tress can wreak havoc on our lives, but did you know that it can also wreak havoc on our minds and bodies? Left unchecked, it could cause significant damage to our vital organs and overall health. Diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes are major issues often associated with high or continuously elevated stress levels. Health issues aren't the cause rather the symptoms of stress. When discussing the ill effects of stress, it's not only major events that are to blame. Job loss and the ending of a dear relationship no doubt are high stressors that cause adverse effects on health, but there are countless smaller, more trivial matters that can also play a major role, especially if they occur on a daily basis. For instance, being stuck in traffic or having an inept co-worker on your team are never fun and if you're of the personality that doesn't cope well with stress, even slight inconveniences can turn into full-blown meltdowns or cause significant responses such as headaches, rapid breathing, and insomnia, among others. What happens is your HYPOTHALAMUS, the small control center in your brain, sends out signals and orders to the pituitary gland, which triggers the adrenal glands to release epinephrine. This hormone triggers the body's natural reaction of fight or flight, which rapidly increases heart rate, quickens breathing, and tenses up muscles all to prepare the body to fight or run in order to protect itself from the perceived threat. That response is by design. It's there to protect us in an emergency situation, but, you see, not all stressors are emergencies. This day in age, few people on the planet have to hunt for their food and hope the enemy doesn't kill them in the process, but our bodies, specifically the hypothalamus, don't know that. It hasn't evolved with society. All it knows is to react quickly, lest fall prey to a wild beast. The problem lies in how we recover from such a heightened reaction. If the stress continues, the hypothalamus will continue firing signals, day after day, and wreaking havoc on our overall comfort and putting our health at risk. 16 HEALTHY MAGAZINE