hat we think and do
has a dynamic impact
on our brain's health
which impacts our
attitude, and ultimately
our reality. Most people can agree
that the brain functions as a primary
receiver, organizer, and distributor of vital
information for our body. It is made up of
a right hemisphere and a left hemisphere.
Colloquial wisdom says one side of the
brain is usually more dominant than the
other side of the brain. The right side
of the brain is associated with cognitive
skills. These skills are directly connected
to our creativity, emotions, and intuition.
Right-brain dominant people are usually
the artists, innovators, the free-spirited
people in the world. Conversely, if you’re
mostly analytical and methodical in
nature, you’re said to be left-brained.
The most common method of keeping
the brain healthy is by eating greens,
which contain vast amounts of
chlorophyll, a direct natural medicine
that is essential for a healthy brain.
Another method of improving or
maintaining proper brain development
is through the practice of yoga. Yoga,
although an ancient practice, has
grown in popularity in recent years.
This practice connects the body and
the mind – meaning, it brings you to a
higher awareness that your body can
do anything you desire it to do. In some
known cases, people have said they’ve
been able to fly or levitate for brief
periods of time (seconds in most cases.).
For these reasons and many others,
when the terms “mind, body, and spirit”
is often mentioned within this context,
connecting the spirit simply means
transcending the mind to its highest form,
which is described as your “God Self” or
the divine inner you. Having the mind,
or brain, if you will, be the centerpiece
between the body and the spirit, arguably
can say that the mind is the most valuable
part of the body. It controls both the
physical and spiritual selves.
Have you ever heard the saying “mind
Positive word affirmations are also a great way
over matter’? Mentally, if you tell yourself
to strengthen your brain. The act of speaking
you can do something, you will yield those
aloud with powerful words invites you to
results in the physical world, or you will
reflect self-empowerment and self-love.
become whatever it is you’d set your mind
to becoming. This is considered the “Law of
Crowned Emperor of Ethiopia, crowned King
Attraction”. This Law of
of All Kings of the world,
Attraction is essentially a
Haile Selassie I states,
commonsense practice that
“Discipline of the mind is a
dictates that we invite into
basic ingredient of genuine
the world what we set out to
morality and therefore
achieve and what we allow
of spiritual strength." If
ourselves to desire fully. This
humanity puts their mind
practice has been used for
into reviving the natural
thousands of years.
way of living, restoring
unconditional love, and
Yoga, in practice, transcends the physical. It
empowering mother nature; a healing on
taps into the mental state of being. Within
earth would be not just inevitable, but also
meditation, you are consciously bringing your
magical. As Emperor Haile Selassie also
thoughts to happy places, inviting them into
mentions, "It is only when the human mind
happy moments, embracing love, success, or
is guided by religion and morality that man
whatever brings you joy.
can acquire the necessary vision to put all
his ingenuous inventions and contrivances to
really useful and beneficial purposes."
By Fabienne Claude