Healthy Magazine Healthy RGV Issue 116 | Page 15

So , the question is , how much water does a person need to drink to make sure they ’ re meeting the recommended amount ? A good rule of thumb is to take your weight in pounds and divide that number in half . That answer is the minimum recommended ounces of water you should drink on a daily basis . Remember , that ’ s a starting point , not the end all be all . For example , if you ’ re an athlete or highly active , have been ill , or suffer from allergies you may need to consume more to replenish the body and to help flush out toxins . A good indicator of the proper amount of water for your body is to gauge the color of your urine . If it ’ s very light ( clear ), that ’ s a sign that you may be overly hydrated ( Yes , that ’ s a thing .). If your urine is dark , you ’ re not drinking enough water . The ideal , if you will , urine color should be similar to the color of hay or on the clearer side . Urine should never be dark .
Thirst is another indicator that you need to drink more water . If you ’ re thirsty , your body is telling you it already doesn ’ t have enough water to function properly . With all of this in mind , as you go about your day , be mindful of your water consumption . Get into the habit of carrying a water bottle with you everywhere you go . Pretty soon , it will be like second nature to drink water . So , drink up . Your body needs it .
By Andres Portillo