Healthy Magazine Healthy RGV Issue 104 | Page 34

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE · JULY 2017 is compromised. This increases the production of cortisol, explained above, and you fall into a vicious cycle of exhaustion due to stress factors. Even the most attentive of us can fall into a pattern of poor sleep. As seen above, it doesn’t take long for your body to become compromised from a lack of rest, resulting in both short term and long term health risks. In fact, it is estimated that up to one third of adults are suffering from sleep debt at any given time, meaning they aren’t getting the estimated 7 to 9 hours of rest needed for a healthy sleep duration. And a lack of sleep isn’t only personal, many vehicular and industrial accidents are caused each year due to operator fatigue. So what can you do to help get the shut-eye you need? TIPS FOR A BETTER NIGHT'S REST HOW SLEEP SUPPORTS YOUR WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM T his article is going to explore the effects that poor/limited sleep has on your body and how this can also affect your weight loss program and ability to get lean, ripped and lose weight. Your body weight varies mainly depending on how much/little food you eat, but there are also many other variables that can have an indirect effect on your ability to lose weight and keep it off. Recent studies have suggested that the less sleep you get, the more your hormones will be impacted, significantly affecting how you feel on a diet, and how well you stick to that diet. BRAIN FUNCTION A lack of sleep directly influences your brain function by setting it up to make bad decisions. Sleep deprivation, or sleep debt, happens when you either don’t get enough rest, or a poor night’s sleep. When this happens, it dulls the activity in your brain’s frontal lobe, which is the area that correlates with decision making and impulse control. and regulates energy. A lack of sleep equals a lack of energy causing leptin levels to plummet… this sends a signal to your brain to eat more food. This makes things allot more difficult for you than they need to be when you are following a diet routine. While slipping on your diet and snacking on a cookie will not make much of a difference to your weight loss goals… eating the whole bag will make a difference. And when you are under slept, you will not only feel a greater urge to snack; but you will also have less willpower to be able to stop yourself. CHANGES IN FAT CELLS These hormone changes have a rapid effect on your body as well, and it doesn’t take much time at all to see and feel the difference. It only takes four days of sleep debt for your body to disrupt your body’s ability to properly use insulin. Insulin is the hormone that allows your body to use the energy from food. In fact, insulin sensitivity can drop as much as 30% in this time period. Plus, your brain’s reward center becomes stimulated. Your tired, overworked body is essentially looking for comfort, and you are more likely to turn to comfort foods, especially high- carb, high-fat snacks. Larger portioned meals are also more likely to be chosen by the tired mind. When insulin is functioning correctly, your fat cells function properly as well, and remove fatty acids and lipids from your bloodstream to prevent fat storage. As you tire, and become more insulin resistant, these fatty tissues circulate in your blood and store themselves in places like your liver- which leads to weight gain and diseases like diabetes. HUNGER HORMONES SABOTAGE GYM TIME Rest is like a meal for your brain, and the average adult needs between 7 and 9 hours each night to function properly. Without it, the hormones that regulate both hunger and fullness are compromised and are unable to send the m