Find a private teacher in your area (best option).
Attend different yoga classes and try different types of yoga. I tried most and at the end I found Iyengar yoga to be the most suitable for me. There are Hatha, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Kundalini, Yin yoga, and many more types.
Try different teachers and question your teacher's knowledge and experience. As Iyengar says, it's your responsibility to make sure that the teacher is a good teacher.
If the above two choices are not attainable for you, you can start with online classes but you have to be careful. In my case, when I was doing yoga online I was making a lot of mistakes without knowing even though the teacher was somewhat detailed.
We usually expect to see results and progress immediately after practicing yoga. However, please keep in mind that yoga deals with the root cause of the problem. Therefore, it takes longer to notice results. But as K. Pattabhi Jois said, “Practice and all is coming"
Through yoga, you will get to learn more about your body. Challenging yourself and your body will surprise you with what it can do once you dedicate your time to practice. However, remember that yoga is a spiritual journey and the poses you aim to reach are only tools to help us be free and reach a meditative state.